ACA Repeal Debate Has Begun

Montana Women Vote
2 min readJul 25, 2017


Just hours ago, Senate Republicans voted to begin debate on repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) — a move that threatens to drastically limit access to health care for thousands of Montana families. The Senate has 20 hours of debate and then will vote on an amended version of the repeal bill, a move which will decide the future of health care in our country.

Immediately following this important vote, we tried to deliver letter signatures from 599 of Senator Daines’ constituents — folks from West Glacier to Forsyth and everywhere in between — and his staff wasn’t even in the office. Senator Daines voted to begin debate on the repeal effort, yet hasn’t told Montanans where he stands on any of the replacement proposals and refuses to meaningfully engage in a conversation about our experiences and concerns. His staff isn’t even available to deliver messages. Senator Daines is playing politics with our health and lives and it is shameful.

This isn’t over yet. There are more votes ahead, and we still have a chance to make our voices heard — now is the moment for us to show Senator Daines that it’s unacceptable for an elected official to not make time to hear from their constituents.

Please call Senator Daines and ask him to stand with the thousands of Montana families whose health care access is on the line. Urge him to vote against anything that would cut or cap Medicaid, punish folks with preexisting conditions, or cause any Montanan to lose their health care coverage. Ask him to reject any ACA repeal and any cuts to Medicaid and to stand with Montana families whose health care is on the chopping block.

Billings: (406) 245–6822
Bozeman: (406) 587–3446
Great Falls: (406) 453–0148
Kalispell: (406) 257–3765
Missoula: (406) 549–8198
Helena: (406) 443–3189
D.C.: (202) 224–2651

Also take a minute to reach out and thank Senator Tester, who has stood firm against attempts to roll back health care access.

Billings: (406) 252–0550
Bozeman: (406) 586–4450
Great Falls: (406) 452–9585
Kalispell: (406) 257–3974
Missoula: (406) 728–3003
Helena: (406) 449–5401
Butte: (406) 723–3277
D.C.: (202) 224–2644

Trying to deliver signatures and constituent comments to Senator Daines’ office

If you want to volunteer, write a letter to the editor, or have a question contact Micah at micah at

In solidarity,

Sarah, Micah, Kylie, and Jules



Montana Women Vote

Organizng Montana women, families, and allies since 2000. @MT_WomenVote #CountOnIt