Golang — Bridge Pattern

Matthias Bruns
4 min readMar 15, 2023

In this article, we will explore the “Bridge Pattern” as it applies to Golang. The Bridge Pattern is one of the design patterns from the famous “Gang of Four” book, which describes the solution to common problems in software design. We will also provide a code example and highlight the main differences between the Bridge Pattern and the Adapter Pattern.

What is the Bridge Pattern?

The Bridge Pattern is a structural design pattern that decouples an abstraction from its implementation so that both can vary independently. This pattern is useful when we have an abstraction that can have multiple implementations, and we want to be able to switch between them at runtime. The Bridge Pattern provides a way to organize the code so that the implementation details are hidden from the client.

In software engineering, we often encounter situations where we need to separate an abstraction from its implementation. For example, when designing a user interface, we might have a button that can be rendered in different styles, such as a flat button or a 3D button. These buttons have the same functionality, but their appearance is different. The Bridge Pattern provides a way to separate the functionality of the button from its appearance so that we can change the appearance without affecting the functionality.



Matthias Bruns

Senior Freelancer & Technical Lead Working as a Golang developer since 2020. as a mobile developer since 2013. Focussed on architecture & testability.