2018 Languages, Literatures and Cultures Award Ceremony


In its teaching and in its members’ research, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures seeks to promote an understanding of the cultures and traditions which have contributed to the development of the world’s civilizations which make up the fabric of our society. Its presence in the college is a reminder to students and to the community that cultured individuals are raised in cultures besides our own. We foster an openness and sensitivity to other cultures in matters of language, literature, and associated arts.

Below are glimpses of what our students have experienced and have to say about the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department at Marquette. Please visit our website to learn more about our department and programs available for undergraduate and graduate students.

Spanish for the Professions

Emily Ford

Emily Ford

When I arrived as a nervous and overwhelmed freshman in 2017, I was unsure of my place on campus and my academic path. The Spanish language, literature, and culture had always been a constant in my academic life, so I decided to continue this journey by enrolling in Spanish 2300. By far, this is one of the best decisions I have made at Marquette. This fall, I will be a senior in the College of Business Administration majoring in Marketing and minoring in Spanish for the Professions. My experience within the Language department as a Spanish student has been invaluable. The professor’s unmatched dedication to the success of their students has not only pushed me to strengthen my proficiency as a Spanish speaker, but learn the importance of Spanish culture and how it influences the world around us. The pursuit of my minor lead to a semester in Madrid where I experienced the Spanish culture first hand. I am endlessly grateful to be a student of Spanish literature, language and culture as it has truly has shaped my Marquette experience.

Regina Vela-Mesta

Regina Vela-Mesta

Como estudiante de espanol aqui en Marquette he aprendido a mejorar mi lengua nativa. Los profesores no solo se dedican a enseñarnos el lenguaje sino que también se esfuerzan a demostrarnos un hermoso panorama de culturas y escrituras. En el programa de lenguajes, he encontrado profesionales que me inspiran y profesores que me estimulan intelectualmente. Ha sido un gran placer y un verdadero honor poder aprender de un grupo tan sofisticado.

I feel confident to enter the workforce and ready to apply my skills. This program made me fall even deeper in love with the Spanish language while simultaneously teaching me how to communicate efficiently and professionally. I can confidently say that because of experience with the Language Department, I feel as comfortable speaking Spanish as I do English.

Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture

Bridget O’Brien

Bridget O’Brien

Marquette’s Spanish program has allowed me to learn so much not only about the Spanish language and culture, but also about the world as a whole though a much different lens than I had ever experienced in high school. The first Spanish class I took at Marquette, Advanced Communications in Spanish included service learning and thus an immersion into the local Milwaukee community. The most recent course I took, Literary Analysis in Spanish, allowed me to delve into different periods of Spanish history and culture through poetry, stories, and plays. I will forever be grateful for the communication skills and cultural knowledge this program and the incredible professors has offered me!

Spanish for the Health Professions

Alec Anderson

Alec Anderson

Quiero decirles a todos los profesores del departamento: muchísimas gracias. A pesar de que pertenezco “oficialmente” al colegio de ciencias de la salud, el departamento del español siempre ha sentido como mi hogar. He tenido muchos profesores tremendos que me inspiraron a continuar de trabajar hacia la fluidez y algún día trabajar como profesional de la salud en una población hispanohablante. No veo ninguna circunstancia en mi futuro que no involucre una carrera sin el español. Estoy muy agradecido por recibir este premio porque, para mí, representa todo el trabajo duro para llegar a este punto con una doble especialidad. Espero que puedo mantenerme en contacto con todos de los profesores que han contribuido a mi experiencia fenomenal en Marquette.

Spanish and Secondary Education

Hanna Walker

Hanna Walker

The Spanish Department at Marquette University has broadened my understanding of the various cultures within the Spanish — speaking world. The content taught in my Spanish courses prepared me to experience the language and culture at a deeper level through my study abroad experience in Madrid, Spain.

As I continue my education in the department, I am grateful for the engaging, thoughtful, and dedicated professors within this program that become life — long mentors. I have taken what I learned outside of my academic studies and into other leadership positions as I transition to the President of Sigma Delta Pi at Marquette, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. I know I will continue to grow my abilities in the language and prepare myself for my future endeavors.

Spanish/Bilingual Speech Pathology

María S. Cobo Nieto

María S. Cobo Nieto

As a Speech Pathology and Audiology major, I am thankful for the Spanish courses I have taken in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures. Courses such as Spanish Pragmatics, Spanish Phonetics, Structure of Spanish from a Linguistic Perspective, Advanced Spanish for Healthcare among others made my application stand out from other applicants applying for a master’s in Communicative Sciences and Disorders at New York University-Steinhardt.

As a native Spanish speaker, the curriculum in these courses increased my knowledge of different cultures and dialects while it also taught me how to communicate effectively in my field. Due to them, I feel prepared to work with clients as well as parents/caregivers from different backgrounds whose primary language is Spanish.


Allie Bitz

Allie Bitz

“Deciding to minor in Arabic was one of the best decisions I made at Marquette. Learning Arabic is more than just learning a language; it’s also learning about culture and history. My Arabic studies have been invaluable to me, and having a unique skill like Arabic on my applications even helped me gain acceptances and scholarships at several top law schools!”

Spanish for Heritage Speakers

Yuli Ruiz Marquez

Yuli Ruiz Marquez

“Empecé a tomar clases de herencia del departamento de lenguajes desde mi primer año en la universidad. Quería preservar y fortalecer mi español, así que decidí seguir con las clases a lo largo de mis estudios. Las clases de herencia que he tomado en Marquette me han ayudado a comprender mejor a mi comunidad, ya que estudio especialización en justicia y bienestar social con segunda especialización en el español para las profesiones. Al ser inmigrante en Estados Unidos, mi idioma es una de las únicas cosas que me une a mi país, así que me siento muy agradecida y afortunada al poder tomar estas clases.”


Esme Nungaray

Esme Nungaray

“Looking back at my Marquette experience, I can proudly say that the Language department was a great influence for my intellectual and mental growth. What set this program apart from other programs at Marquette was the caring and dedicated professors who went above and beyond to make sure that we didn’t just learn Spanish. Through service learning and diverse classes, we were able to use our skills that they taught us to give back to the Latinx community in Milwaukee. As a minority, sometimes it’s hard to be student at a Predominantly White Institution. However, I am grateful for the support the language department has provided us. The professors within the language department as a whole welcome us with open arms. There aren’t enough words to describe how amazing this program is. The Spanish Program is a hidden gem at Marquette!”

Marquette University ‘18Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honors Society | PresidentDreamer’s Scholarship Initiative | Gala Co-ChairCollege of Communications

Jessica Szumniski

Jessica Szuminski

“Studying Spanish at Marquette has given me opportunities to engage with my community locally, nationally, and globally in ways that were only possible through studying both the language and culture.”



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