MU Blockchain: Proud Member of Blockchain Education Network

Miami University Blockchain Club
2 min readApr 23, 2020


To celebrate, MU Blockchain has answered a few questions from BEN President Erick Pinos:

MU Blockchain, or Miami University Blockchain Club (MUBC) was founded in 2017 by Patrick Young (President), Billy Becker (VP of Finance), and Jake Salerno (VP of Marketing). Under their leadership, MU Blockchain quickly grew to be one of the largest clubs at Miami University!

Jack Gilcrest [me :)] represented MU Blockchain at the 2019 Voice of Blockchain ‘s Midwest Blockchain Consortium panel. Along with other consortium members, we had the opportunity to speak with Erick about his intercontinental initiative to provide educational and professional blockchain resources to academic institutions around the globe!

MU Blockchain has hosted numerous meetings, workshops, professional round tables/ lunches, and more. However, we have so far taken the most pride in the expositions we host. In February of 2019, MUBC hosted the MU Blockchain Conference on campus. Over 100 attendees and 200 live streamers watched industry professionals provide our student body insights into commercial applications of blockchain technology.

In November of 2019, we hosted the 2019 MU Blockathon- a blockchain business and technical pitch competition attended by 26 Miami University students in 6 teams competing for $1300. Professional judges evaluated the technical and business merit of each idea; business case winner AlliedFund is continuing to further competitions and development!

It is no secret that, between 2017 and now, blockchain has lost much of its mainstream appeal- after shocking the world in 2017, the 2018 bust cycle left many with a bitter taste. Given MU Blockchain could no longer rely on crypto hype for membership, we doubled our focus on professional development. Our focus on professional development and technical innovation has kept us relevant to the student body as an opportunity for personal advancement!

We obviously talked about the Virtual Blockchain Conference before ( by the way, professionals, get 25% off registration with the promo code “ben25vbc”). MU Blockchain is also currently working on the MUBC Incentive Token: a non-tradeable, internal reputation system for members of the MU Blockchain Club to spend on club rewards and opportunities. Visit our website in the coming months to see our release!



Miami University Blockchain Club

The purpose of the Miami University Blockchain Club (MUBC) is to actively facilitate an understanding of Blockchain Technology through whatever means available.