Martin Aichler
Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler

Reading list

126 stories

Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler

Design System / UI

12 stories

Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


3 stories

Welcome illustration
Duolingo app screenshots showing gamification badges and stickers
Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


13 stories

Welcome illustration
Miller’s law graphic showing the human brain taking a bunch of words, chunking it into smaller bots and rembering only 7 plus or minus 2 words.
Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler

Passive Income

4 stories

Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


9 stories

This One Prompt Will 10X Your Chat GPT Results
Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


6 stories

Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


4 stories

Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


3 stories

Opportunity Solution Tree. Source: Product Talk
An illustration of bender, a robot from futurama as an artist painter
Martin Aichler

Martin Aichler


1 story