Empowering women in venture capital firms correspondingly empowers entrepreneurial women

MaRS Discovery District
4 min readMar 2, 2017


Michelle McBane is an investment director at MaRS IAF, and has set up a fund to invest in women-led startups.

Note: This article originally appeared in the Financial Post on March 1, 2017.

By Michelle McBane

The new U.S.-Canada council on women in business, unveiled at Justin Trudeau’s first meeting with Donald Trump last month, has been dismissed by some as little more than a symbolic photo op.

But that’s a mistake. Symbols matter.

The creation of a group of leading businesswomen to champion the cause of female entrepreneurs is a powerful signal. It has sparked renewed energy among those of us who believe that the best way to change workplace culture is to support women in founding their own businesses — after all, there are no glass ceilings in a company you’ve built yourself.

As an investment director at MaRS IAF — an Ontario-based venture capital fund known for investing in women-led tech startups — I’ve had both men and women in the community reach out in the days since the summit to ask how they can become mentors, advisors and potentially even co-invest with us.

Often these conversations turn to how we can encourage more women to become entrepreneurs. But in order to do that, we must also address the vast under-representation of women on the other side of the table: in the venture capital firms that invest in young startups.

“Most venture capital firms put roughly four per cent of their funds in women-led ventures.”

There is no doubt that venture capital is currently a man’s world. Only about seven per cent of partners at major firms are women — a lower percentage even than on boards of blue-chip firms. The lack of women making investment decisions translates into a lack of women getting investment — most venture capital firms put roughly four per cent of their funds in women-led ventures.

There’s no shortage of stories from women entrepreneurs frustrated by their dealings with early-stage investors and the unconscious bias that results from a primarily male audience — which is the general investor makeup.

At MaRS IAF, we’ve invested in about three times more women-led ventures than have other tech-focused funds in North America. That’s in part due to more women on our investment team, which provides a diverse lens to our decision-making process. The results we see speak for themselves: companies in our portfolio with at least one woman co-founder perform just as strong as the male-only firms.

BDC, the federal government’s development bank, recently took a major step in helping women entrepreneurs, with the creation of a $50-million fund to invest in female-led tech startups. MaRS IAF will lead investments in some of the early stage companies this fund will target.

We are a natural home for this initiative. We sit in Toronto’s MaRS Centre, one of the world’s largest urban innovation hubs, but also a recognized leader in promoting women in business. Led by a female CEO — Ilse Treurnicht — for more than a decade, MaRS is home to a half-dozen venture funds that also have women in decision-making roles, not to mention women advisors, researchers and scientists.

There is a powerful effect from this critical mass of women venture capitalists and company founders working under one roof. Women entrepreneurs support other women entrepreneurs, and as a result, the culture here serves as a magnet for the best and brightest.

I was recently approached by one female entrepreneur, who had an over-subscribed investment round. She reached out to us specifically because she wanted a woman on her board “to balance the energy around the table.” We got a great investment opportunity because she wanted female representation on her board.

The creation of a new fund will go some way to providing women entrepreneurs with a place to seek investment on the strength of their business plans — not their childcare arrangements. But it can only do so much. Finding ways to get more women into venture capital firms should be a key priority for the new council.

Change will take time. Venture firms are few and the ability to climb the partnership ladder is difficult. But there’s momentum building. If we are to make any real headway on the broader issues of job creation and economic growth, we must use it to get more women into positions where they can invest in other women.

Michelle McBane is an investment director at MaRS IAF.



MaRS Discovery District

MaRS Discovery District is a global innovation hub connecting science, technology & social entrepreneurs with business skills, networks & capital. MaRSDD.com