Android Studio Tips & Tricks

Yossi Elkrief
2 min readAug 20, 2016


So Android Studio has been here for a while ( a bit over 3 years ago) and IntelliJ is here for years before that. Still, I don’t think people grasp the true power of knowing your idea properly.

In this short articles series we will go over key key-Shortcuts.
But before we do that, let’s take a look at the key mapping option in the Android studio.

Viewing the Key mapping will help you get to know some of the keys you should be using on a daily basis while coding within AS (Android studio).
You can change the key mapping to fit your needs, tweak each of the shortcuts you want and even change the entire mapping to legacy/other IDE’s used in the past/present.

Viewing Key mapping

reaching to the key mapping option is quite simple.
First we open the Preferences/Settings window.

File -> Settings -> KeyMap
Android Studio -> Preferences -> KeyMap

Here we can see the entire keyMapping and we can change all the shortcuts or see which key combinations leads to our desired option.

Android Studio 2.1.3 Keymap window (Mac)

As we can see on screen we can choose predefined keymaps :

Predefined keymaps Android studio

Choosing predefined keymaps helps a lot when switching IDE and easing the transition. I would recommend using the keymaps as best suits you for best coding results.

Next up: Customising Keymapping

