Knowledge Sharing rather than Knowledge Hoarding

Muhammad Usman Saeed
4 min readSep 3, 2017


Let us first understand what is knowledge sharing? It’s an activity through which information, skills, expertise is exchanged between people, friends, and organization. Usually most of the people don’t share their knowledge because they are worried that sharing their knowledge will allow other people to be rewarded without giving credit or something in return, or result in the misuse of that knowledge. But i think to do better and learn more in life, one should develop a habit of sharing your knowledge. It has many many benefits. When you share with others, it helps deepen your own knowledge and engrains what you know.

Power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it.

Recently i had an online course at “ 9 tips to manage & maximize your career” and it was a great learning experience. After taking that course, there was a project to share first 6 tips with any of your classmate or job hunter friend. It was all about sharing what you learned. To share what i learned i did plan a hangout with my friend Umair Sanwal who is currently doing an internship in a small construction firm and looking for job. It made me realize just how important it is to share knowledge and information with others. It is an easy, powerful way to say, “Hey, I thought of you today.” As a recipient, it’s a sweet surprise.

I shared following tips and he was very thankful to me and gave me feedback which was inspiring and helpful.

Tip 1. Find your passion and align it with your career

He is passionate about structural engineering and aligned it with his career. He knows that he has to learn basics about construction work before going to structural design engineering so he decided to internship as site engineer first.

Tip 2. Decisions are very unique to each person

For some people, taking whatever comes their way might be a good decision, and for others, waiting for the right job may be a good option. It’s for you to decide. Before taking any decision you should have a look on your circumstances and needs. Your decision is based on your needs. Every person has different needs. You should must take suggestions of others but think and ask yourself before taking decision. Our talk was basically about to get job first or to go for masters. So he decided that i’ll go for job because his parents can’t afford for his studies anymore so he’ll first earn money and then go for masters if he’ll feel the need.

Tip 3. Own your decision

He decided to think critically, ask for suggestions from family and others but decision will be his own and he’ll not blame anyone for his loss or any failures. You can consult with people but at the end decision is yours, nobody can enforce you. and once you took decision stand by it, no matter how hardships you face in the way.

Tip 4. Do an internship before pursuing a higher degree to confirm if you like that field/industry

He is already doing internship and he said he will not pursue a higher degree until he gets 2/3 years working experience. As it’ll help him to understand what is difference in real fieldwork and college theoretical work.

Tip 5. Don’t do PhD if you want to be an entrepreneur or work in corporate sector

He is not interested in PhD. He wants to run his own construction firm in future. And have great creative ideas to help those who can’t afford their own house. He want to work for those who are living in slums. I was inspired by his ideas and thinking.

Tip 6. Spend at least one year in your first job

He was surprised to know that how leaving your first job early can effect you career and your resume too. He aimed to stick with his job for 12–14 months even if it’ll not highly paid or interested work.

It was a nice conversation with him. He was very excited to listen more what i experienced at Amal. And he is also planning to apply for fellowship at Amal Academy. He was curious to complete same online course by himself too.



Muhammad Usman Saeed

Arch. Engineer, Art lover, Immature Photographer, Life long learner