Pros and cons of combining cosmetic procedures

Mac Andrew
6 min readJul 20, 2018



With the modern development of plastic surgery and anesthesia, we can now perform more complex and lengthier procedures in the same operative time. For patients wondering whether they can combine cosmetic procedures in one sitting, the short answer is yes, you can. However, there are conditions that apply, and it varies from patient to patient and the type of procedures they want to undergo.

There are multiple pros and cons to combining cosmetic procedures in one setting. Some plastic surgeons will avoid doing it and tell you that it is for your own safety. Others do it on a daily basis with no increased risks for the patient. Today we will discuss the pros and cons of combining cosmetic procedures.

Plastic surgery procedures that can be performed at the same time

It is quite common nowadays for a certain plastic surgery procedure to include another one. For example, when performing body liftings, some plastic surgeons will choose to perform liposuction on the area before the skin excision. This way we significantly reduce the adipose layer located in the area and the aesthetic result will be superior to the one achieved by performing just the skin excision.

The fat transfer procedures that are performed with the purpose of adding volume to certain areas of the body can’t be performed without the initial liposuction that has the role in providing the fat required for the augmentation.

Many of the interventions I perform combine advanced surgical techniques and different procedures to achieve a better result. For example, the hourglass tummy tuck involves liposuction as well as fat transfer to the hips. The results of this procedure are superior to the ones achieved when just the traditional tummy tuck procedure is performed.

As you can see, we can combine different procedures, and many surgeons do it on a daily basis. Here are some more examples of procedures that can be performed in one sitting:

- Butt augmentation in Houston and liposuction

- Breast augmentation and Houston tummy tuck

- Breast lift and liposuction

- Breast lift and tummy tuck

- Breast reduction and liposuction

- Breast reduction and tummy tuck

- Buttock augmentation and liposuction

- Butt implants and fat transfer

- Breast enhancement procedures and arm lifting

- Tummy tuck and arm lifting

- Tummy tuck and thigh lifting

- Arm and thigh lifting

The hourglass tummy tuck can also be associated with an arm lifting or with a breast enhancement procedure, but it can’t be performed at the same time with a buttock enhancement.

The pros of combining plastic surgery interventions

The decision to combine cosmetic procedures depends on the type of procedure to be performed, the plastic surgeon’s experience in the field, the anesthesiologist’s evaluation, and the preoperative assessment of the patient. This decision will be taken on a case-to-case basis as not to put increase the level of operative or post-operative risk.

The first and most obvious benefit of having combined interventions performed in one sitting is that the patient only needs to undergo general anesthesia once. Even if anesthesia is safe nowadays, it is still a good idea to avoid having too many done in a year. This is why combining procedures is a good option.

The second benefit is cost. Undergoing more procedures at the same time will definitely cost more than having just one procedure, but it will certainly cost less than undergoing the procedures separately. Included in the cost of the intervention are the hospitalization fees associated, which will only be paid once if you undergo combined procedures.

The third benefit is time. This refers to the recovery period. After each surgical intervention, however big or small, there will always be a recovery period during which the patient should take it easy and stay home and rest. This means that each time you undergo plastic surgery, you need to take time from work or your other activities. When undergoing combined procedures, the recovery time might be more than just after a procedure, but it will certainly be less than if you would add the estimated recovery period for each procedure.

The last and most obvious benefit of undergoing multiple procedures at the same time is a superior aesthetic result. Obviously, if you will have a breast augmentation and a tummy tuck at the same time, you will look much better than if you would undergo just one of the procedures as the body shape is remodeled on a different level. Moreover, we all know that it takes a while for the final results to be visible. Undergoing all the procedures at once means you don’t have to wait that long to enjoy your enhanced body.

The cons of combining plastic surgery procedures

Before anything else, we should mention that undergoing combined plastic surgery interventions means a longer operative time. The patient will be under general anesthesia for hours; it can be as little as one and a half hours or up to six hours or more. The risks of the anesthesia increase with the time spent on it. This is why it is essential to choose a board-certified, experienced plastic surgeon that is versed in performing the combined procedures to have the shortest operative time possible.

Then we have the risks. Each plastic surgery intervention entails risks and can lead to potential complications. If the patient chooses to undergo multiple procedures at the same time, the risk level is increased. For example, if breast implant surgery is performed at the same time with a tummy tuck, both procedures involve significant incisions. This means that we have a potential risk of infection.

When the patient has just one operated area, it can be easier for him to protect it and avoid movements that can put pressure on the surgical wounds. If the surgery targets more than one area, the patient needs to be much more careful. The same goes for post-operative care and hygiene of the surgical wounds. The blood loss during surgery might be more significant when procedures are combined, and this means the plastic surgeon needs to be more prepared.

In my experience, the rate of complication increases when complex interventions are performed in combination. For example, we have a breast reduction (with a significant amount of breast tissue to be removed) and a complete or extended tummy tuck. When this is the case, I usually advise my patients to schedule the procedure separately as the recovery process might be quite lengthy and the complications that can occur are quite severe.

When undergoing multiple procedures, be prepared to spend more time in the medical facility. If usually after a liposuction you can be discharged within hours, after combined surgery it can take 24 or 48 hours before being released from the hospital. The plastic surgeon will want to monitor your condition and see how you are recovering from the general anesthesia. The level of pain and discomfort experienced by the patient might also be more significant when multiple areas are targeted.

The cost factor can be seen both as a pro and con. Combining cosmetic procedures will cost more than a simple procedure. The traditional tummy tuck costs less than the hourglass tummy tuck, and it is only natural as the hourglass tummy tuck actually involves three different procedures performed as one.


There are patients who would like to target different areas of the body during one plastic surgery session. In some cases, this is possible. However, it greatly depends on the characteristics of the patient, type of procedures to be performed, and area to be operated, among other things.

Some plastic surgeons will advise you to avoid combined interventions at all costs as they can be dangerous. As is the case with everything, combining plastic surgery procedures has pros and cons. Before making a decision, it is important to be informed and also to choose a plastic surgeon who has experience performing multiple procedures in one operative time.

