2 min readFeb 1, 2018

A short update

Hey Machinists;

Today we are happy to officially announce our new home at This is the first of many announcements in the coming weeks. Some exciting things to look forward to are: Masternodes, updates to our algorithm, and other fun projects.


Our timeline has been updated to reflect our new targets. Masternodes are planned to be released on Feb 14th, 2018. The time was chosen to be in alignment with our Masternode giveaway at Some specs that have been decided are 25,000 MAC to run a Masternode. Block rewards will be split 50/50 between the miners and Masternodes. We plan to activate SegWit with the upcoming Masternode update to enable features such as the lightning network in the near future.

Mining Issue

Due to one or multiple multi-pools which are switching between mining other altcoins and Machinecoin, the difficulty often gets pushed extremely high. After doing this, the multi-pool drops mining and the hashrate strongly decreases. Since the difficulty is still the same, it takes miners a long time to generate blocks, which cause transaction delays. This has been referred to as a ‘coin hopping attack.’ There are a few different approaches being tested. A fix for the issue is close at hand. This was an unexpected problem that has caused other projects to be delayed.

YouTube Livestream

We have developed a new YouTube live channel for a 24/7 online presence. You can view the channel at Currently, the program is capable of running a node, updating Machinecoin statistics, and reading feeds. Don’t let it’s current capabilities limit your expectations, however. It has been written from the ground up to enable live gaming, AI implementations, and new characters. Consider Mac a new member of the Machinecoin Team.

Please stay tuned for more announcements and the official updated timeline. Good things are in the works! #FireUpTheMachine

Sincerely, the Machinecoin Team