CEO Gitju leaves Machinecoin (Press Release)

Nigho to succeed Gitju as new CEO.

2 min readJan 31, 2017

January 31, 2017 — Machinecoin and the CEO Gitju have agreed today that with effect as of February 1, 2017, Nigho is to be appointed as the new CEO of Machinecoin.

Gitju will leave the Managing Board upon his request as part of a mutual agreement.

Image: The Machine In Us.

“The last three years were very exciting years. Machinecoin which basically was born as a revolt against the centralized and corrupt financial system has offered its users right from the beginning not just a reliable alternative to all of that but also another perspective on how to see and organize our society. For quite some time this was not always understood by many but lately its clear to see that Machinecoin was just ahead of the time. The excitement and passion of all contributors for Machinecoin have been impressive and will be in my memory. The special Machinecoin spirit will keep the Cryptocurrency on the success path also in the future.”

said Gitju.

Machinecoin thanks Gitju for his long and very successful work as CEO of Machinecoin during the last three years.

About Machinecoin

Machinecoin is a Steampunk inspired cryptocurrency that was created back in the early days of 2014. Since then several projects were launched and a lot of projects are still planned. Machinecoin’s aim is to create a complete and self-contained cryptographic ecosphere that makes use of the transparency and evolution of the blockchain and that functions in a similar way how DNA does.


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