MacPay Is Now Officially Released! (Press Release)

3 min readDec 8, 2016


December 8, 2016 — It’s official! MacPay is now available as an App for Android and as an App for the Web as well. MacPay is a lightweight wallet for the crypto currency Machinecoin that can be used to buy/sell products and services both in-stores and online. Hence, many people have considered it’s release as a truly good news.

Image: MacPay App For Android

Unlike classical currencies that are bound by a physical bank, Machinecoin and other crypto currencies store their information online in a distributed database, also known as block chain. Therefore, in processing crypto currencies, the information of a transaction just needs to be passed from a crypto currency wallet to the block chain, something that MacPay can do effectively. Through it, one’s smartphone can be used as a crypto currency wallet. This only means that people nowadays do not even need to bring a physical wallet with them to pay for their meals, to buy products and to do other things where money is needed.

Image: MacPay App For Android

One thing that makes the App special is that it allows Machinecoins to be sent and received using different devices, something that other similar Apps cannot provide to its users. Users of the App only need one thing in order to utilize it and that is a device that can access the internet and has an internet browser inside, which almost all devices these days have. The App offers a lot of great possibilities and opportunities for Machinecoin users.

Though, some people thought of it as something impossible before, its developer, Nigho proved them wrong.

“I wanted to make Machinecoin available for more people, and also easy to access. You can now easily send Machinecoins from anywhere, you just need a network connection, regardless which device you’re using.”

said Nigho.


MacPay Android App
(For Android ≥ 4.0.3)

MacPay Web App
(For Car/Desktop-PCs, Tablets, Notebooks, Netbooks, Smart-TV)

About MacPay

MacPay is run by Nigho, a German crypto currency enthusiast who has contributed a lot to the Machinecoin project within the last 3 years. MacPay was the first big project for Machinecoin that he handled alone and so, he aims to create additional infrastructure that would make it easier for a person to send and receive Machinecoin and other crypto currencies to others. He also wanted to encourage people to start using Machinecoin and MacPay due to the convenience and benefits that it could give to its users.


If you find any issues or have any feature requests regarding MacPay, feel free to contact Nigho/MacPay via:



