Dungeons & Dragons: My Real Life Stats

Mackenzie Tittle
4 min readApr 3, 2022

This story may also be read on MackenzieTittle.com

The Classes in Dungeons & Dragons

If you’ve played enough Dungeons & Dragons (and you’re a nerd like me) then you’ve likely wondered at some point — What would my ability scores be as a D&D character? What class would I be? Alignment?

In this article I’ll discuss my personal answers to the questions above — not because I think you care about my stats, but because I hope that some of you might enjoy the process and reflect upon your own real life character sheets.

Ability Scores Uses Explained in Dungeons & Dragons

Ability Scores

My dad got our son this cute onesie, showcasing his newborn D&D Ability scores and it is possibly the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen!

Strength: 12

I think I’m stronger than the average 27-year-old man… maybe? Barely? Kind of hard to gauge honestly, I’m not a naturally strong person — but I think I’m in better physical shape than most men my age.

Dexterity: 10

I’m pretty slow. I was terribly slow for a college soccer player and nothing about me is “quick” or “agile.” Still, I gave myself a 10 because I think I’m still average in comparison



Mackenzie Tittle

MackenzieTittle.com — Fantasy Writer, Chess Player/Coach, LotR Fanatic, Dungeon Master, High School Teacher, Soccer Player/Coach, Husband & Father