Dungeons & Dragons: Ranking Every Race

Ranking each of the Dungeons & Dragons playable character Races on the basis of Power, Creativity & Personal Enjoyment.

Mackenzie Tittle
5 min readMay 15, 2022

The story may also be read on MackenzieTittle.com

Dungeons & Dragons Playable Character Races

I’ll be ranking the 7 playable Dungeons & Dragons character Races as established and described in editions 1 through 3.5 of D&D. These power rankings are based on 3.5 edition stats.

Rating Metrics

Power — The potential advantage that playing this race could provide over other playable character races.

Creativity — A combination of both the uniqueness/intrigue of the Race itself, as well as its flexibility in allowing players to develop unique character concepts.

Personal Enjoyment — How much I enjoy both the mechanic & role-playing characteristics of each Race.

Half-Orc (Dungeons & Dragons Race)

#7 — Half-Orcs

Power: 7

The +2 innate Strength bonus for Half-Orcs is great. But, that’s all they get. Plus, most strength based classes aren’t the most powerful classes at high levels



Mackenzie Tittle

MackenzieTittle.com — Fantasy Writer, Chess Player/Coach, LotR Fanatic, Dungeon Master, High School Teacher, Soccer Player/Coach, Husband & Father