Gitr: Our 2 day hackathon project is live!

3 min readDec 24, 2014


Written by: Alan Downie — CEO & Co-Founder of Macropod

Gitr was built in 2 days by a small part of the Macropod team. You can read about the journey here. We set this challenge for ourselves: starting from scratch, we would design, build, test and release an app, complete with website and marketing in just 2 days.

I’m incredibly proud to introduce to you, It’s how developers meet.

Gitr allows you to flip through a bunch of GitHub developers, see what they’ve been working on and give them a virtual thumbs up or thumbs down. Swipe right if you want to say hi, and left if you don’t!

They have no idea how you rate them, and you have no idea how they rate you. However, if two devs give each other the seal of approval, we’ll kick off a chat so you can brag about what you’re working on and hear about what they’ve been doing as well.

We think it’s a great opportunity to speak with the people whose work you follow, or the owners of projects you commit to. It’s an opportunity to learn, but also to share your knowledge. If you’re big into React or Node or Go, it’s a great way to get in touch with a bunch of folks that share your interest.

If you see these faces come up, make sure you swipe right and ask them about how we built Gitr in just two days!

The makers of Gitr…say hello!

Gitr is now live at and the project is open source at GitHub. Contributions, issue reports and feedback are most welcome!

I’m fucking amazed (excuse my language) at the work these four guys have churned out in the past 2 days. 300 commits from 4 people in 2 days, and the app is smooth as silk. Superb motivation and commitment from the team! My hat is off to them.

Of course, as of right now the app is not without issues, and there’s a whole bunch of stuff we’d love to add, but for right now…it’s off to our families to enjoy a well deserved Christmas holiday.

Finally, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone here at Macropod!





The visual feedback tool for websites. It’s like using sticky-notes to capture and pin client feedback directly onto a page.