22 Times Game of Thrones GIFs Nailed Agency Life

Our Advertising Industry in 6 Seasons’ Worth of GIFs

Jeng Yi S.
5 min readApr 5, 2017

April 6, 2017 | Singapore | By Jeng

If the advertising industry has a spirit animal, it’s Westeros. Folks living the #AgencyLife can swear by the Light of the Seven that they’ve witnessed life’s fair share of blood and gore.

Murdered ideas, bereaved creatives; cannibalistic partners and undead clients who’d revive email threads in the wintry night. They should’ve seen us worshipping the Many-Faced God — because we secretly believe deadlines shouldn’t stay dead.

And the only thing that stands tall and clean like the beginning? The inglorious Dragon Glass Ceiling.

Here’s the ad life in GoT memes, because the Internet is dark and full of terrors and vapid writing.

1. The Outstanding Client

That time when your client was a chimera of Joffrey Baratheon and Jon Snow.

And you were obviously Ygritte.

2. Work Life Balance

Because work life is a game of “give and take”, with you giving and the universe taking.

3. The One You Didn’t Trust

Because he/she’s obviously a psychopath. This not-so-professional knows you can’t dodge the arrow — because he/she’s got a whole quiver of them.

But we can all do better than Rickon Stark.

4. The One You Shouldn’t Have Trusted

Because “trust me, I’m friends with the entire Westeros”. Who cares you made a pact with Little Finger and sealed it with spit? Your secrets now belong to everyone. #socialcurrency

5. When You See Terrible Ads

And you feel like you need to blow the whistle, wake the entire village — or ring the bell of shame.

6. Copywriters Without Sleep

“Sorry, we’re low on vocab. But you still need us to hold the door for more traffic!”

7. Everyone Else Except Writers

Not all writers are grammar Nazis. Sometimes, we’re just married to the language through our jobs as Khaleesi.

But Dothraki grammar in English is still not acceptable.

8. Designers Be Like

This is not psd.

9. Interns Be Like

Because it was just yesterday that you entered the industry and you were Podrick Payne.

10. The Accidental Whine

And you have to tell your friends from other industries it’s not like this.

11. Sometimes Your Bosses Feel the Same

And we all do that honourable group hug.

12. When People Try to Fight You with Jargons

You’re a real boy. But that’s not a real sword (look closer).

13. What You Really Think of Social Media “Influencers”

Nuff said. You think that sort of writing is writing?

14. How You See the Industry Sometimes

Your job is to snatch attention, but you’re cynical like Olenna Tyrell.

15. Deadlines Be Like

All men must die

And a girl says “not today”.

16. Winning a Pitch

When your babies make you feel like the Mother of Dragons.

17. Lunch Time Memo

Everybody wants to go for lunch but the whole world’s busy.

18. Final. Final_Final. Finally Friday

After abstaining from life, you get to do a mental mike-drop on a Friday.

19. But in All Brutal Honesty

We are still here because we get high on creativity.

Even though we don’t always get our Fridays off.

20. Sometimes, We Make Unexpected Friends

Even though we may eventually go separate ways (don’t pretend you weren’t touched by this scene).

21. Even Though They Make Fun of the North

We’re talking about Northern Singapore. Westeros has Riverrun, Yishun has Riverwalk. (Yishun suffers from overactive public imagination but hey it’s got a website!)

22. So Bring It On

The ad industry is crazy, but in time we’ll learn to pick our battles well and live to fight another day.

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📚❤ Rec it and share it! Make Westeros a kinder place — for Kings and Queens to land. 🖖

Kudos to the folks who spent time making these gifs. I didn’t even know how Giphy’s business model works before this.

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Jeng Yi S.

🎩 Mad Hatter J. | Copywriters wear plenty of hats, this one says #CreativeBrainfarts. 🕯Poetry ✏Comics 🥊Agency Life 🌐madhatterj.strikingly.com