Have you ever tried hugging yourself?

3 min readJun 27, 2015


So, this morning, while I was lying in bed, I hugged myself.

And I came across this moment completely by accident.

Nonetheless, I had literally, physically hugged myself.

So I sat there thinking, why don’t we do this more? Does it look a little odd? Well, yes. But it made me feel better. Just the idea that I was giving myself a hug was a seemingly revolutionary idea. So, again, why don’t we do this more?

Why you should give yourself a hug:

• Because you deserve it.

You deserve one big hug from yourself. You are a living, breathing human being and you have flaws and you make mistakes. You have gone through a lot of tough times. You have been insulted and discouraged. You have been tried by the adversary. You have been at your highest and your lowest. Yet you have persevered and you have conquered. I know this because you are still here and you are still pushing. So, you deserve it. You deserve a hug.

• Because you are capable of greatness.

You, as a human being on this earth, are capable of accomplishing something great. You have a purpose and you have a reason. You are here because there are goals you will set and then achieve. You can be great. You are great. And that’s pretty hug worthy.

• Because you are physically attractive.

You are. You really, really are. And who doesn’t want to hug an attractive person?

• Because your personality is attractive.

You possess a stunning personality. You, as a person, are full of potential and power, and so long as you strive to fulfill your potential, you are attractive. Productivity is hot. You are hot. Keep pushing yourself and you will draw people with your optimism and drive. I promise. So hug that mental hotness and get moving.

• Because hugging yourself is proven to lessen physical pain.

Twenty brave participants (12 of them women) allowed scientists to inflict pain via pulses of radiant heat from an infrared laser. The laser was aimed at the sensitive radial nerve of the forearm. During some bursts of pain, participants had their arms crossed in front of them. In those trials, participants reported significantly reduced sensations of pain. Researchers also were monitoring brain activity with an EEG. During arms-crossed trials, the participants’ brains showed smaller spikes of activity suggesting pain processing.


• Because you must learn to love yourself.

You can be your biggest advocate and your best friend. You can be your number one supporter when no one else seems to have your back. You can rely on yourself. But only if you love yourself.

You are you. That will never change. And that is really cool. You will never have to worry about being anyone else. Just yourself.

You have your entire life to just be yourself! So why not love it while you have it? You are great. You have many talents and ideas and traits that are absolutely incredible. So, support yourself. Look at yourself from an outsider’s perspective and then encourage yourself to utilize those talents and become the best person you can possibly be. Give yourself a big, giant hug and tell yourself you are proud of how far you have gotten. Remind yourself that you deserve it. Remind yourself that you can do great things. Remind yourself that you are attractive. Remind yourself to not worry about the trials and pain. Remind yourself that you can love yourself.

That is why you should hug yourself more.

