By Reno Macri

The sweeping wave of digitization certainly has not bypassed the constantly evolving event management industry. The ubiquity of personal devices and the round-the-clock connectedness in modern societies have opened up many new avenues for consumer immersion into carefully crafted realities. Delivering such novel, memorable, and exciting experiences used to be the event manager’s prerogative, and many traditional companies find themselves at odds with the times. What seems like a challenge, however, can be a great opportunity in the hands of an experienced and savvy event company. Here are six specific ways in which digitization benefits change how we experience events.

1. Digitization opens up engagement opportunities

Some event organizers dread the prospect of their guests pulling out their mobile phones in the midst of the action. However, the general public’s smartphone addiction can be put to great use. More and more innovative event managers incorporate the smartphone into the presentation to add value to their proposition or content. Think real-time Twitter feed wall projections, audience votes on what happens next, live donations to your worthy cause, and just about anything else accomplishable by text or app.

2. Events are easier to plan with digital solutions, leaving more room for creativity1

In a guest blog post about digital trends in event management, XING Events’ Senior PR & Communication Manager Myriam van Alphen-Schrade offers insights from a survey of 2,500 event organizers and 2,000 attendees. The number one finding? Digitally supported event organization is easier and smoother than ever before. This, in turn, means that more resources can flow towards supporting innovation and creative reimagining of everyday scenarios.

3. Attendees know your event inside out

If you are playing your cards right, your attendees will have ample information about your event ahead of time. Many of your attendees will have done their homework, digging out whatever you have not spoon-fed them during your marketing campaign. The XING survey confirms people enjoy having this high level of informedness before they dive into the event itself. You can use that to your advantage, either providing all details up front or saving some for an effective surprise on the big day.

4. Events are becoming even more social

In the age of (social) networking, establishing connections has become an integral part of a successful event. Savvy event managers integrate socializing into their planning and support it with proprietary or freely available digital tools. Increased satisfaction guaranteed!

5. Feedback is instant and richer than ever

Successful event professionals learn from every single experience and thrive on customer feedback. Thanks to digitization, attendees can give you their honest and spontaneous reaction to the show you put on. You can reap the benefits of immediacy and unadulterated attendee opinion by incorporating a clever evaluation step into your event. Allow your attendees to tell you a story — why not as a video, too?

6. Harness the positive attitude towards digitization1!

Event organizers and attendees embrace digitization wholeheartedly despite the usual risks associated with conducting business and revealing personal data online. Online ticketing and other digitally supported event aspects have become practically indispensable to both organizers and attendees (click here for the complete report). Adoption of all things digital by the event industry means the sector is now able to track results and performance better than ever. This has led to an improved knowledge of essential criteria to achieve success and a better understanding of how to engage event audiences.

originally published at




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