WSP LESSON : Using Media 2 Ur Advantage

2 min readNov 28, 2016


Okay so teaching a lesson related to social media feels sort of lame. It’s everywhere. One day it’s destroying humanity and the next it’s making us more connected than ever.

Part of the reason I chose this as my lesson plan is because I’m kind of bad at it. As an artist, I really see the importance in being savvy as hell when it comes to promo via social media. I think if I was, I’d probably have built a fan base by now, as well as more opportunities to link with other artists. That being said; marketing myself so bluntly is not my style, no matter how badly I wish it were. But I’ll do my best to stop talking about myself from here on out. Lol.

For your homework, I want you to pick one or two internet accounts you follow on twitter, instagram, tumblr, vine (does that still exist?), snapchat, reddit, etc. & note any trends you see in their posts (the account you choose can be your own if you want). If it’s a celebrity are they in charge of their own social media account or is it run by someone else? (If you’d rather not know that’s fine, I know it sort of kills all the fun of following celebrities on social media.) Some other questions may be : do they post at the same time every day? Do they have a certain aesthetic in their overall page? Etc.
Feel free & note any other questions that come to mind!

You can choose any social media user’s account for this, the only requirement is for the person to post a lot. IDGAF how many followers they have or don’t have, basically they just need to be aware they are using the internet as a means of communication.
And if the only person you follow on social media is yourself & you have no interest in following anyone else, you don’t have homework!!

Okay yay have fun & let me know if you have any questions! :)




Junior at Whittier College. Studying Creative Writing, Music, & Digital Media through #WSP101.