Manifesto: War Against Evil

MagaGo Blog
3 min readApr 15, 2024


In a time of profound global changes and growing uncertainties, we have come together to set a beacon against the shadows that loom over our world. This manifesto is more than just a document; it is a call to action, a blueprint for a better future, and a promise to everyone who strives for justice and truth.

We live in an era where the forces of “evil” — the Deep State, the establishment, and elitist circles — no longer hide behind closed doors. Their actions and their impacts are ubiquitous, from social injustice to economic inequality to an unprecedented erosion of trust in our leaders and institutions. This “war against evil” is thus a battle against structures and systems designed to secure privileges for a few while excluding the many.

Our manifesto represents a determined step to uncover the truth and empower each of us to confront these dark forces. By promoting transparency, justice, participatory democracy, and the innovative use of decentralized blockchain technologies, we aspire to a world where power is fairly distributed and every individual can freely raise their voice.

Let us move forward together, not as warriors in the traditional sense, but as guardians of justice and pioneers of a new era. This “war against evil” is our collective struggle for the good — for a society where a person’s value is determined not by their origin or wealth, but by their character and actions.

With this manifesto, we invite everyone who feels moved by our words to join us and become part of the movement. It is time to stand up, rise, and fight for the right to a better, fairer, and more transparent world.

We, a movement for transparency and justice, demand a shift away from the opacity and self-interest of the Deep State, elites, and the establishment. Our goal is to create a just society through principles such as transparency, justice, accountability, and participation. Additionally, we advocate for the promotion of decentralization and blockchain technologies to make governance more transparent, secure data integrity, and empower more people financially through cryptocurrencies. We call for participation in this movement to jointly achieve an open and fair society.

Deep State

The term “Deep State” refers to a covert group operating within the government or connected institutions, often acting independently of democratically elected leadership. Our movement criticizes the opacity and self-interest of the Deep State, which undermines democratic processes and public trust. We demand full disclosure of all government activities and decisions to ensure that all governmental actions are in the public interest and under public scrutiny.


The Establishment consists of established power structures within political, economic, and social circles, often holding conservative views and resisting changes that could threaten their status quo. Our movement advocates for challenging and reforming these structures to promote a fairer distribution of power and resources. We support political reforms that enhance citizen participation in decision-making processes and limit the power of the established elites.


The elites are those individuals and groups who, due to their social, financial, or political standing, exert significant influence. We criticize the elites for their tendency to manipulate politics and the economy for their own benefit, often at the expense of the general public. Our movement aims to correct such imbalances by advocating for greater transparency and accountability in all elite sectors.

Decentralized Blockchain Technologies

Blockchain technologies offer a unique opportunity to address many of the issues we have identified concerning transparency and centralization of power. By utilizing decentralized blockchain systems, we can:

  • Increase transparency: All transactions and decisions can be stored on a blockchain, making them immutable and visible to all.
  • Secure data integrity: Decentralization of data storage significantly complicates the manipulation of information.
  • Promote economic empowerment: Through cryptocurrencies and other blockchain-based financial instruments, people can gain access to financial means previously excluded from traditional financial systems.

Our call to support these technologies is a fundamental component of our vision for a fairer and more transparent society. We believe that the widespread adoption and acceptance of blockchain technologies can promote a sustainable and inclusive global community.

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