How to learn a language? Learn

Magdalena Sawicka
1 min readOct 26, 2021


This is the most important rule. And the one that people don’t like to hear about the most. And the lesson is..

No one can teach you a language.

You have to learn it.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Hello, have you heard about the theachers?

Well, you can have the most amazing teacher you can imagine. The truth is however — they are not here to teach you, they are here to help you learn and guide you.

They won’t just load the language into your head. It would take them ages to do so. Ultimately, it is YOU that has to learn and do the work.

So what?

Those classes that you are paying for and attending to… It’s cool and all, but stop expecting that it is enough to learn a language.

Try learning the language yourself, outside of the classroom, and then come to your classes ready for next challenges. See for yourself how the game changes if you do so.

