MagicCraft NFT Genesis Collection Minting Guide

5 min readMay 14, 2022


Minting Walkthrough

This tutorial will guide you through the minting process for the MagicCraft NFT Genesis mint. Please note that this minting process is very similar to the one which will be used in future mints. Furthermore, we will be making changes to this blog post throughout the private and public sales to make the process of being part of the NFT Genesis Collection as smooth as possible for the community.



Before we begin the guide, we want to warn you about a few important things:

  • ONLY mint on magicraft.ioThere will never be another minting website, only the official website will have the mint on it. Watch out for tricky domain endings that are used by scammers, like .cc or .org, etc. Only .io is the correct MagicCraft website
  • ONLY stake on Staking is made available only on our official website. is the only official link


The Private Whitelist NFT mint is set to begin on:

May 14th @ 3 PM UTC

The Public NFT mint is set to begin on:

May 15th @ 3 PM UTC

In order to better prepare the whitelisted community members and other users who wish to participate in the public NFT sale phase of the mint, we have created this guide to show you ahead of time what the flow is for the mint on

There are two phases of the mint process:

  • Whitelist Sale — This phase lasts 24 hours and is the first phase of the mint sale. All pre-sale and whitelisted users can mint their allocation guaranteed during this time period, with no fear of “gas wars” or any race to mint. However:
    -If users fail to mint during this period, then their spot will be moved to the “Public Sale” phase.
    -Since there is no max mint, pre-sale could sell out.
  • Public Sale — This phase of the sale allows any user to mint UNLIMITED amounts. This phase is designed to sell out quickly, and users may find themselves fighting with others rapidly to purchase the remaining characters from the whitelist sale. This phase begins exactly 24 hours after the beginning of the mint (May 15 @ 3 PM UTC).

Before we even think about buying the NFT collection you must have the proper wallet and currency loaded and ready to go.

All you need to have in order to participate is access to a wallet that supports cryptocurrency (BSC) and NFTs functionalities.

Supported wallets include:

  • MetaMask (most used)*
  • Safepal Wallet
  • Math Wallet
  • Wallet Connect

Step 1: Visit Website

  • METAMASK browser recommended *

The first step is to visit the main website and click the tab. You can then click the “mint” tab and will be brought to the minting page.

After you choose your wallet, simply click the “connect wallet” tab in the top right corner of the page.

Step 2: Connect your Wallet

After you choose your wallet, simply click the “connect wallet” tab in the top right corner of the page.

You will be asked to connect using your wallet. This is to confirm your wallet ownership, and does not call any functions on a smart contract.

If successful, you should see the first 4, and last 4 digits of your wallet address in the purple/blue box on the top right corner of the page.

Step 3: Mint your NFTs

Once you arrive on the mint screen, you will have 5 options.

You can choose the amount of NFTs to buy and their price in BNB :

  • 1 Character
  • 2 Characters
  • 3 Characters
  • 5 Characters
  • 10 Characters

NOTE: You can mint UNLIMITED amount of NFTs

Once you are ready, click the box you want to buy and click “MINT” at the bottom right corner of the page.

You will be prompted to confirm your transaction. You will see all the details of the transaction including your gas fee ( which is minimal as we use BSC chain).

At the bottom of the page you will see 2 tabs — Reject & Confirm. Click confirm and a pop up tab will confirm as “Transaction Submitted!”. You will also have a chance to “view your actions” tab which takes you directly to BSCscan to see all your transaction details and confirms.

This is how to add the NFT to your wallet on DESKTOP:

  1. Open Metamask Extension
  2. Hover over the 3 dots and select “Expand View” to see the full screen
  3. At the bottom of the page click “Import Tokens” to create the MCRT NFT asset
  4. Fill in “0xBF4D4886554a5FDEFFf07aeA90EC37d24260E7A7” from your Bscscan Transaction (MagicCraft Genesis Characters)
  5. “Token Symbol” (MCRT) will appear automatically when you enter the correct Contract Address
  6. Enter 0 (zero) as the “Token Decimal”
  7. Click the blue “Add Custom Token” button 8. You are all done!

Metamask Mobile App is built for NFTs and there you have the NFT Tab readily available:

1. Via this link you can enter your BSC wallet address to get the Token ID of your NFT

2. Open Metamask wallet on mobile and then NFT tab

3. “Import NFT button” and add there detailed mentioned below

-MagicCraft Genesis Collection contract number: 0xBF4D4886554a5FDEFFf07aeA90EC37d24260E7A7

-Copy ID of the NFT

  • 4. Click ‘’Import’’ and it should show the NFT in your NFTs wallet

With that completed, you will then be a proud owner of a 1 of a kind MagicCraft NFT Genesis Collection. Congratulations!

After minting you can see your NFT(s) in the Metamask mobile app, or you can also use this platform to your chosen wallet: .

The skills and the attributes of the minted NFTs will be viewed using the MagicCraft Marketplace website.

*NOTE*: The team has made sure that all of the people that have staked with us and got NFT points in return will be able to redeem them for the Genesis Collection (as confirmed on the Staking page).

Closing Remarks

We hope this guide was helpful for everyone who will be minting.

We are working hard for our users that will last throughout the game, not just as a single use for our initial mint. This framework and architecture we build is scalable and will be used for all of our future NFT mints, and is extremely dynamic.

About MagicCraft

MagicCraft is a Massive War and Conquest Play-To-Earn Multiplayer game launched on Binance Smart Chain, with an advanced guild system, taxes, and economy. Players may team up with each other and build clans to fight other clans on the platform.

In the Magic Craft world, there are seven powerful castles built by the Elders. These castles store magical energy within their walls, which is called Magicus. This mysterious substance, generated in millennial confrontations, is able to endow the owner with incredible strength. That’s why it is carefully guarded and is a cherished prize for many.

Emerge victorious among other clans, and then collect taxes in our native cryptocurrency known as $MCRT.

Each character has different traits, items, weapons, armor, spells, magic scrolls, clothes, attacks, and poses. You can collect these characters as you level up your game. You are free to trade these collectibles in the NFT marketplace as well in exchange for $MCRT.








MagicCraft is a game - a PvP MOBA - an ecosystem of games, and a fantasy universe with its own worldbuilding and characters. $MCRT is the core of the ecosystem