Magic Mind NFT’s — ‘Mindopedia’

Magic Mind
23 min readMar 16, 2022


A collector’s guide to interpreting the symbology of their Magic Mind NFT.

The Magic Mind World

Welcome Magic Mind NFT collectors, enthusiasts, and friends! Thank you for joining our journey, and diving deeper into the Magic Mind world and lore behind our collection.

Below you will uncover a wealth of information behind our mental health focused NFT project, designed to inspire discussion between our community and anyone else interested in decoding or interpreting the art. These descriptions are just a guide and meant to be a jumping off point because ultimately each viewer will resonate differently. Our hope is that the work will inspire YOU to have a moment of introspection, sitting with your feelings to see what is evoked from within.

We strongly encourage you to share your interpretations not only on social media, but in our community discord channels. Join us!

There are 50 possible ‘Trait Types’ that your Magic Mind NFT could have and almost 1,000 ‘Trait Values’ to explore. Here, we will boil down our conceptual main ideas, provide you a breakdown of rarity and include specific Mental Health focused titles in our very own ‘Mindopedia’.


It starts with you and me, or all of us in every possible version of ourselves. In all states of being and beyond, yet also through time. Imagine each NFT is a snapshot of a ‘Character’ in time… (maybe yourself!) You are on a journey, both internally and externally. The past exists within and beyond you, both in how you’ve processed or locked away your experiences. Your future extending beyond your state of being, your mind acting as a crystal ball.

Maybe it’s worry, precognition, a memory, or a dream.

There are places we go on the journey that teach us and guide us. There are people and things that exist to support or distract. In all states, things can be what you make of them! They all work together to create your NFT, a Magic Mind snapshot of your current state of being.

Trait Types

Color Theory

Many of the Trait Types will feature a color in its Trait Value. Our colors are consistently named throughout the collection and are always paired with a pattern described as either a ‘State’ or ‘Being’.

Essences, Characters & Scenes


Every Magic Mind NFT will be built starting with its ‘Essence Color’ and ‘Essence of Being’. These are the backdrops to our story. The underlying subconscious vibe surrounding our Characters and Scenes.

‘Essence Color’ — Tranquil : ‘Essence of Being’ — Subconscious Neediness

Characters (75%)

Characters in the Magic Mind NFT collection are defined by their head position. Each position is representative of the characters relationship to the self. Characters can have different colors of bodies and heads.

Left to right: Disembodied — Persona — Retrospective — Self Reflective


Separated from or existing without the body. Maybe we value the perspective of others over our own, or perhaps we’ve detached from reality entirely.


The aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others. What do you present to the world? If we embody our desires can we manifest destiny or are we just an expression of our past?


Looking back on or dealing with past events or situations. Our memories shape and inform our every decision. Are they hurdles to overcome or lessons we carry into the future?

Self Reflective

Meditation or serious thought about one’s character, actions, and motives. As we study ourselves we find our own patterns and create our own dreams.

Scenes (20%)

Throughout our lives we journey through places and experience events that shape us. Sometimes, our memory transcends actual reality and our minds create their own relative narratives which we carry on to express as our own truths.

Left to Right, Top then Bottom: Currents of Consciousness — Door of Perception — Home — Mountains of Awakening — Visions of Manifestation — Waterfall of Wonder

Character & Scenes (5%)

Very rarely we get a glimpse of a character as they experience a scene. Fully immersed within the present moment they are visitor in the scenarios that create memories for lifetimes to come.

‘Character’ — Disembodied : ‘Scene’ — Currents of Consciousness

Mind State

Where is your mind? A most potent tool combining our memories and manifesting our realities, our minds hold our pasts and predict our futures. We practice our intentions while reliving our experiences. The present moment only existing after observation and processing — or is there a way to experience the now?

‘Mind Color’ — Passionate : ‘Mind State’ — Identities

Character & Scene ‘States’

Each character and scenes’ state of being is represented by a pattern which we call a ‘State’. Many States have mirrored versions while others are unique. Mirrored versions share a descriptor before assigning a Mental Health related concept. Mental Health terms were incorporated from a wide variety of Mental Health approaches and theories. Our goal is to help our community learn more about Mental Health terminology, pathologies, and self care approaches. You can find out more about States using the Mindopedia below, or by exploring your NFT on the Magic Mind website.

Examples of mirrored and unique states in an ‘Essence’ and a ‘Disembodied’ character.
Examples of mirrored and unique states in a ‘Home’ scene and a ‘Mind State’.

‘Motifs’ and Extras

Our journeys include companions, families, responsibilities and so much more. Some of the most fun elements in our collection explore different ‘Motifs’ adding more value and meaning to our point in time.

Motif (45%)

An important element that reoccurs throughout. There are 56 different extra patterns and companions to accompany your character.

Hair (35%)

Certain body positions may have a unique hair style.

Ladders, Houses, and Energy Beams (20%)

Every character and scene has the possibility of including ‘Ladders’ with companions. Only the ‘Persona’ character can include ‘Houses’ and only characters can have Chakra inspired ‘Energy Beams’. There are multiples of each, and an increased rarity of having more than one at a time (up to 5!)

Keys (.01%)

There are 4 possible keys appearing in the four corners of our pieces. If you are lucky enough to get one - wonder what it will unlock?

Examples of rare elements!

Archetypes (.002%)

A tarot inspired collection within the collection, the ‘Archetypes’ are a series of unique 1 of 1 pieces that embody universal versions of the characters and concepts that Magic Mind seeks to explore. There are only 20 of these!

6 of the 20 possible ‘Archetypes’

The Mindopedia

An alphabetical list of the Mental Health terminology used to describe the various ‘States’ within the Magic Mind collection.


A person’s acceptance of the reality of a situation, and recognizing the circumstances (often negative or uncomfortable) without trying to change it or fight against it.


An ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Agonize | Agonizing | Agony

Significant mental stress and worry in thought and mind.


An almond-shaped region of the brain associated with the emotional processing and is often referred to as the “fear system of the body”.


Looking at and examining something or someone.

Anxiety | Anxious | Anxious Mindset

A feeling of intensity that is not a normal part of life such as ongoing dread, fear, uneasiness, and persistent worry that interferes with daily activities. This can also manifest with feelings in the body of a sense of impending doom, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, trouble with sleep, avoidance of things that trigger the anxiety, inability to control the worry, and sleep disturbances.


Is manifested as a luminous body often with colors that surrounds your physical body that represents the energies of the living thing it surrounds.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

A condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socialized with others, causing problems in social interaction and communications.


A tendency to avoid intimacy and/or interaction with others.

Avoidant Attachment

This is an attachment style that a person develops in childhood when caregivers/parents dismissed or did not respond to your needs at a young age and often drives a person to protect themselves by pushing others away.


A state of knowing something or about something.


Lacking skill, confidence, grace or ease.

Barrier to Change

There is often a stigma around mental health care and this can create a significant barrier to seeking help and getting the support needed to make changes. Some of the most common barriers to change in seeking mental health are fear of stigmatization, lack of awareness of mental health services, financial means, and lack of accessible care geographically.


Often referred to as shy and is easily embarrassed and timid.

Being in Tune

The feeling of resonating with someone else, or feeling connected in a similar way with someone.

Belief System

Beliefs can be around religion, philosophy, and moral code as well as personal beliefs about oneself or how an individual perceives the world through lived experiences.


The biopsychosocial approach takes into consideration systematically the biological, psychological, and social aspects in contrast to strictly biomedical aspects of disease.


Bipolar Disorder has also been called Manic Depression. It is a mental health pathology that has both highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). These moods often swing either rarely or multiple times a year. Bipolar is most often treated with a combination of medications and psychotherapy.

Blind Spots

Aspects of oneself that a person is not self-aware of.


Being emotionally or physically bound to some external power or control.


Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by mood swings often in relation to interpersonal relationships, impulsive behavior, and difficulty forming stable personal relationships. Borderline is most often treated with psychotherapy and Dialectical Behavioral therapy (DBT) to learn how to regulate emotions and behaviors.

Brain Fog | Foggy Brain

Brain fog manifests as a lack of mental clarity, inability to recall as easily, confusion, forgetfulness, and a lack of focus. It can be caused by many factors.

Brain Waves

Electrical impulses in the brain.


Conscious and controlled breathing for relaxation, meditation and therapeutic purposes.


A way to describe a sense of sadness, worried and anger in both feeling and physical expression.

Calm Mind

A mental state being free from disturbance of any kind.


Kindness and concern for others.


Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes.


Relating to the sky elements of sun, moon, and stars.

Chakra Energies

While there are 7 Chakra energies this collection gives a representation to 5. The Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third-Eye, and Crown chakras.

Change and Growth

The ability to change behaviors, thoughts and beliefs from a prior way of thinking, behaving and believe and then changing into that new way of being.

Chaotic Relationships

Designated by emotional and other forms of instability in interpersonal relationships, often related to insecure and avoidant attachment patterns.


Related to or giving tones of the chromatic scale.


Transparency and state of being clear.

Clear Boundaries

Related to high functioning families and individuals who have clearly defined boundaries of relating.

Clouded Perspective

A perception that is blocked by feelings, emotions, experience and unable to see things clearly.

Cognitive Processes

The mental processes that allow us to engage with the world through sensory input

Collective Consciousness

A set of beliefs, values and attitudes shared by a group of people.

Compartmentalize | Compartmentalization

Often a defense or protective mechanism where an individual suppresses thoughts and emotions. This process can happen consciously or subconsciously and can often affect an individual’s level of engagement and behaviors.

Compassion Meditation

Often involves a meditation directed around silently repeating phrases that express in tension to move from a negative though process to a more positive or neutral one such as judgement to caring etc.


Showing and feeling sympathy for others.


Self- Assurance of one’s own abilities, qualities, perception, and external factors.


Consistency between what the mind is thinking and feeling and how the body is reacting being in alignment.


Feeling of belonging or connected to others.

Contemplation | Contemplating

Being in a state of reflective thought.


A state of happiness and satisfaction in body, spirit and mind.


Being open and unclouded with a desire to learn or know something.

Cusp of Change

Working at changing behaviors and patterns in one’s life takes time, often times an individual can feel they are on the cusp of changing old patterns and creating new ones.


Delicate small and pretty.


Causing someone to believe as true what is actually a lie or false.


Intense or extreme, such as going deep into your emotions.


Refusal of something requested or claiming something is not true.


A sense of detachment from oneself as though you are observing yourself from the outside and not connected to feelings, thoughts, and actions. Oftentimes described as a dreamlike state or feeling “numb.”

Depression | Depressed | Depressed Mood

Depression is characterized by a consistently depressed mood in conjunction with a loss of interest in activities, fatigue, and other symptoms that have a significant impairment in daily life.


Can manifest as a loss of hope and surrender to feelings of despair and can lead to rash or extreme behaviors.


Separate or detaching from someone.


Focus and resolute on a goal or desire.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Also known as deep breathing is a practice that enables more air to flow into your body and can help calm your nerves, reducing stress and anxiety.


A psychological state in which someone is able to maintain their sense of self, identity, thoughts, and emotions when emotionally or physically close with others.

Diffuse Boundaries

boundaries that are not clear or defined by self or others and can often lead to an individual struggling to define who they are.


Related to mental health, dimensions means thoughts, body reactions, emotions, and behaviors as separate dimensions.


Often referring to emotional disconnectedness i.e. an inability or lack of desire to connect with other people on an emotional level.

Dissociated | Dissociation

Experiencing a disconnection and lack of continuity between memories, surroundings, thoughts, actions, and identity. This is often an involuntary process in individuals and can cause problems in everyday functioning.


Distancing from or disconnecting from another person emotionally.


Unable to concentrate or focus because the mind is elsewhere.


Often thought of as the “feel good” neurotransmitter and having the right amount of dopamine is important for both body and mind.

Doubt | Doubting

Feelings of uncertainty or lack of conviction.


A way to describe two parts of something such as “good and evil” or “two sides of a coin”.


Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems, some of them patented, that transfer the energy from the ground into the body.


Overwhelming sense of happiness and joy.


The person of the human personality that is experienced as “self” or “I” and is in contact with the external world through perception.

Ego Syntonic

Behaviors, values, and feelings that are in harmony with ones ego.


Feelings such as happiness, love, fear, anger, sadness, etc. that ebb and flow throughout life.


Showing feelings outwardly and most often when emotions are intense or upsetting.

Emotional Cutoff

A way in which people manage unresolved emotional issues with family by reducing, distancing or cutting off emotional contact with them entirely.

Emotional Exhaustion

Feeling emotionally worn out and drained as a result of stress, worry, anxiety, trauma etc. in one’s personal life.

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to manage emotions for oneself as well as emotions in response to others. It includes emotional awareness, problem solving, managing emotions, and regulating emotions.

Emotional Reactivity

Emotional reactivity refers to the tendency to experience frequent and intense emotional arousal. Both the threshold and ease with which individuals become emotionally aroused and the intensity of emotional experiences are aspects of emotional reactivity.

Emotionally Exhausted

A state of feeling emotionally worn-out and emotionally drained. Often from accumulated stress in your personal and/or professional life.

Emotionally Safe Place

Where you feel safe to share thoughts, feelings, emotions, and be vulnerable without fear of judgment, rejection, invalidation or shame.

Emotionally Unsafe Place

Where you do not feel safe to share thoughts, feelings, emotions, and be vulnerable as you are fearful for judgment, invalidation, rejection, blame, criticism, and shame.


Someone who is highly attune to the emotions and feelings of others around them.

Empathetic Attunement

The ability to be present and engaged with another person and empathize with whatever experience they are having whether positive or negative.

Empathetic Listening

Holding space for someone to share their experiences and understand and validate their experience.

Empathy | Empathetic

Ability to understand and share the feelings of someone else.


Enthusiasm and excitement.

Enjoy the Moment

Being present in the moment not focused on past or future.

Enlightened | Enlightenment

Showing understanding and clarity in a way that does not follow prior beliefs. Also often referred to as knowing the truth about existence.

Enmeshed | Enmeshment

Refers to when two or more people are in a relationship that has permeable and unclear boundaries and each person feels the emotions of the other and can often escalate together.

Epiphany of Self

The occurrence of when the mind, body, heart, and soul focus together and see an old thing in a new way.

Essence | Essence of Being

Whatever sums up the heart and soul of something in its truest and most indispensable qualities.


Anticipation of things happening the way you expect them to happen.

External Distractions

Distractions that are outside of an individual, such as technology, noises, socializing etc.


Going to great or exaggerated lengths.

Family Patterns

The characteristic qualities of relationships within a family system.


Also known as emotionally flooded and it happens when a person gets so overwhelmed with emotion that they lose access to the logical part of their brain and are responding from an entirely emotional place.


The center or focal point of an interest or activity.

Foggy Brain

Lack of mental clarity, memory recall problems and an overall sense of brain and memory fogginess.


The underlying support structure and base.


Fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.

Full Moon

When the moon is fully illuminated.

Fully Awakened

Spiritually awakened where your soul and mind are aligned with your life journey.


Used when departing an interaction.

Great Heights

Achieving a high level of success in an endeavor.


Deep sorrow and sadness at the death or loss of something or someone.


Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth. This practice relies on earthing science and grounding physics to explain how electrical charges from the earth can have positive effects on your body.


Often an overwhelming feeling of having done wrong or failed an obligation.

Half Moon

When the moon is half illuminated.


Unclear and unfocused.

Healthy Boundaries

Also called personal boundaries and they are the limits and rules we set for ourselves within our relationships, including the ability to say “no” and also ask for wants and needs.

Healthy Foundation

A foundation of self that is coming from a health place with good differentiation and emotional regulation.

Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people.


Giving help to others.


Being amusing or comical.

Hyper Vigilance

Being extremely sensitive and alerted to your surroundings.


An abnormal state of increased responsiveness to stimuli is marked by various physiological and psychological symptoms, such as increased levels of alertness and anxiety and elevated heart rate and respiration.


How a person defines themselves as an individual.


Enlightened spiritually or intellectually.


Defining self from others.

Inner child

Often referred to as the hidden part of a personality that has child-like qualities. The inner child can also be referred to in trauma work when looking back at original damage done in childhood.


Not confident or assured and often uncertain and anxious.


A new understanding of a person, thing or experience.

Insomnia | Sleeplessness

Inability to sleep.

Intellectual Disability

A term for when a person has certain limitations in cognitive functioning and skills, including communication, social and self-care skills.


Make (attitudes or behavior) part of one’s nature by learning or unconscious assimilation.


Some people refer to intuition as “gut instinct”, some call it the higher self, inner voice, or soul self. It’s also described as the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning — or a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.


A request for participation from another person.


Having minimal or no contact with others.


Writing out thoughts and feelings in a journal to help with mental health insights.

Journey Ahead

Looking forward in life and growth to what is ahead of you.

Judgment | Judgemental

A critical or negative point of view from someone else's lived experience, thoughts, emotions, and opinions.


Exerting body and/or mind in a way that is painful or strenuous.

Learning from Experiences

Being able to reflect back on life experiences and have the self-awareness to learn, grow and change from those experiences.

Limbic System

The limbic system helps the body respond to intense emotions of fear and anger by activating the fight or flight response.

Living in the Moment

Being present in the moment in both body and mind.

Lost in Thought

Thinking about something and not being present to what is going on around you.


Free from obscurity and easy to understand.

Lunar Phases

Also known as moon phases and is the shape of the moon’s directly sunlit portion as viewed from the earth.


A very rich and strong sensory experience.


Associated with mental health pathologies where a person experiences periods of great euphoria, delusions and overactivity.


A display of emotion or feeling made into something real and tangible.


A practice in which an individual uses a technique — such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity — to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

Meditative State

This is a state of mind that is quiet and calm.


Recall of a past interaction or emotional experience.

Meta Awareness

When a person has a cognition about a cognition or thinking about thinking.

Mind and Body

Representing both somatic experiences felt in the body as well as what the mind is experiencing and having both mind and body awareness.

Mind State

Mood or mental state at any particular time.

Mindful Duality

Body and mind acting as two different entities.


Being fully present and aware of where are and what we are doing.


Lack of trust in someone.

Moral Support

Supporting another person in either emotional support or physical presence support.


Referencing several generations of a family.

Multiple Personalities

A personality disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct and complex personal identities.


Something that is difficult or impossible to understand and often explain.


A sense of spiritual mystery and fascination.

Nature vs. Nurture

The nature versus nurture debate involves the extent to which particular aspects of behavior are a product of either inherited (i.e., genetic) or acquired (i.e., learned) influences.


Needing affection, attention, and reassurance to a marked degree.


A person being uncared for emotionally and/or physically by primary care takers and/or partners.

Neural Pathways

A series of connected neurons that send signals from one part of the brain to another.

Neurodivergent | Neurodiverse | Neurodiversity

Differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal.


A way of being where others cannot tell what “sided” you are on, also a stance of therapists working with couples and families.

New Awareness

A self-recognition of something new in your environment, interactions, emotions, or patterns of relating to others.

New Moon

When the sun and moon are aligned and the sun and earth are on opposite sides of the moon.

Non Judgmental

Avoiding judgement of another person based on one’s own personal and moral standards.

Non Dual Awareness

Non dual awareness (NDA) is a state of consciousness that rests in the background of all conscious experiencing — a background field of awareness that is unified, immutable, and empty of mental content, yet retains a quality of cognizant bliss.


Someone who nurtures others, offering food, protection, support, encouragement, or training: As a child grows, the parent ceases to be solely a disciplinarian and a nurturer, instead taking on a new role as mentor and guide.


To see, watch, perceive, or notice.


An idea or thought about something or someone that continually preoccupies or intrudes in a persons mind.

Obsessive Compulsive (Disorder)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.


The brain, responding to higher than normal dopamine levels, gets overstimulated i.e. excessively stimulated.


Think about something too much for too long.


Emotionally overstimulated and often overcome with emotion as a result of too much of something like work, stress, home life, etc. that is just too much to handle.


A sudden overpowering feeling of fright of extreme anxiety.

Panic Attack

A sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause.

Passionate | Passion

A strong feeling or emotion, often associated towards a person or desire.


Quiet, calm, and free of mental and physical disturbances.


The height of an experience.

Personal Growth | Process of Growing

Improving and changing behaviors and habits into more positive and healthy behaviors and habits.


An extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.


A sense of satisfaction and enjoyment.

Poorly Differentiated

When someone is poorly differentiated they usually find themselves in an either/or reality — either be myself or be close to the other person.


Something that could happen.


Use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something.


Thinking about an experience and integrating it into thought and memory. Oftentimes, people need to process an interaction before responding and take time to see how they feel.


Moving toward a desired outcome or goal.

Projection | Projecting

Attributing behaviors, thoughts, feelings, emotions to other people what is actually going on in yourself.


Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy is in studies showing progress in helping debilitating mental-health issues.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

A disorder that develops in someone who has had a shocking, scary, violating, or dangerous event that does not integrate that traumatic experience but continues to relive it in triggers and reminders of the trauma whether physiologically or psychologically.

Radical Acceptance

Radical acceptance is based on the notion that suffering comes not directly from pain, but from one’s attachment to the pain. Radical acceptance is when you stop fighting reality, stop responding with impulsive or destructive behaviors when things aren’t going the way you want them to, and let go of bitterness that may be keeping you trapped in a cycle of suffering.


Referring to emotional reactivity where a person has a tendency to experience frequent and intense emotional arousal.


Becoming fully aware of something as truth or fact.


Examination of one’s own conscious thoughts, feelings, and actions.

REM Sleep

Stands for rapid eye movement, during this stage of sleep your eyes are moving around rapidly in a range of directions.


Recalling a past memory.


The ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events.


Similar to what someone else feels, thinks, believes, and/or experiences.


Things that are required to do.


The act of coming or going back to a place or activity.

Ride the Wave | Riding the Wave

Allowing your emotions to wash over you like a tidal wave and letting them pass without acting or behaving ineffectively.

Ripple Effect | The Ripple Effect

One person can make a change in a family or relational system that has an effect on the entire relationship or system.


In relation to mental health, it refers to no outwardly noticeable action and the rituals are internal such as counting, repeating words or phrases, mental checking, etc.


Rumination involves negative thought patterns that are immersive or repetitive. Many people ruminate when they are processing emotions, but they become “stuck” in negative patterns of replaying past hurts without moving towards solutions or feelings of resolution.


A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.

Second Order Change

Doing something significant and fundamentally different than you have done before.


Something that is not wanted to be known by others.


Free from worry or doubt and in a safe environment both physically and emotionally.

Seeking of Validation

Seeking validation beyond a healthy constructive limit is often considered attention seeking behavior.

Self Acceptance

Accepting oneself as you are.

Self Awareness

Conscious awareness of oneself in regards to your thoughts, actions, emotions and how they align with one’s internal standards.

Self Compassion

Although frequently linked to compassion in meditation research, self-compassion represents different sets of psychological constructs and behaviors. Despite a significant amount of research in this field, several uncertainties exist, including the relationship between the concepts of self-compassion and neuroticism.

Self Contentment

A person who is happy with what they have and where they are in life.

Self Healing

Referencing the body’s ability to heal itself.

Self Love

A state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.

Self Talk

Talk or thoughts directed at self.


A way of looking inward and assessing one self for actions, behaviors, emotions etc.


To feel or experience something without being able to explain exactly how.


Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is believed to act as a mood stabilizer.

Shame | Shameful

A feeling that your whole self is wrong, it’s different from guilt where you did something wrong.


Conceal from view


Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy.

Silver Lining

A sign of hope or positive aspect in an otherwise negative situation.

Social Anxiety

Intense fear of situations where you can be judged and negatively evaluated


Being alone without others around.

Somatic Symptom Disorder

Somatic symptom disorder is when a person has a significant focus on physical symptoms, such as pain, weakness, or shortness of breath, to a level that results in major distress and/or problems functioning. The individual has excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors relating to the physical symptoms.


Any obsessive, repetitive, or circuitous thought that grips your attention in a negative way and you can’t stop thinking about it.

Spotty Senses

When you have a sense of something not quite right.

Stable Relationships

A stable relationship is a relationship that is built upon loyalty, trust, safety and consistency.


Experiencing mental or emotional strain or tension.

Strong Belief System

A strong belief system has 4 components: Knowledge, Vision, Intuition and Attitude. Only when the strength of these components is combined, that one is able to achieve something great. For example, knowledge is not restricted to the collection of facts.


Cool, calm, collected and they choose their words carefully, often times using elaborate language or uncommon words.

Support Network

Family, friends, and others whom you feel you can rely on in difficult times.


Providing encouragement and/or emotional support.

Supportive Internal Dialogue

Internal thoughts that are spoken with self-compassion.

Tangerine Moon

A playful and energetic moon.


The action or process of thinking.

Toxic Relationships

Relationships that are damaging to your mind, spirit, and body most often marred with conflict.


Very calm and quiet.


Beyond ordinary and everyday experiences that can be religious, spiritual, or otherworldly.


Allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semitransparent.


Across multiple generations of a family.


An emotional response to an emotionally aroused event. If trauma is not integrated into memory it can develop into Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Trauma Trigger | Triggers

A reminder that can be physical, sensory, or psychological of a past traumatic event or sensation.

Traumatic Past

Significant traumatic events in one’s past.

Triangulate | Triangulation | Triangulating

Often a form of manipulation when someone pulls in a third party to intervene or otherwise become involved in a conflict to try to ease tensions and facilitate communication.

Ulterior Motive

When you believe someone has a hidden reason for behaving in a certain way.


A brilliant deep blue color.


The quality of being unlike anything else of its kind or of being solitary in type or characteristics.

Unsupportive Internal Dialogue

Internal dialogue that is critical, judgmental or shame-based.


A visionary is someone with a strong vision of the future.

Waning Crescent Moon

Sometimes called an old moon — in the east before dawn.

Waning Gibbous Moon

A moon between full and last quarter moon.


Kind and welcoming person or energy.


Having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

Worry | Worrying

A state of anxiety or to think about problems or unpleasant things that may or may not happen in a way that is unsettling.

You are Not Alone

You are not alone — you are loved — help is available.


Often referred to in meditation practices as a form of concentration.



Magic Mind

A mental health celebrating 10k NFT collection by Kira Bursky (@allaroundartsy). Minting Now.