Organic Scarecity for NBA Top Shot

3 min readAug 4, 2021


Quick scheme of what could naturally create value between different NBA Top Shot users with a mix of:

- Gamification (Reward)

- Strategy (Buy, Sale, Trade)

- Holding (Increasing value with time and staking rewards)

2 mint approaches: Mint base on preorder sale or fully distributed moment at a fixed mint

Ex: Kevin Durant 40K Common fully distributed in pack.

Hypothetical conditions:

  • Burn 10 common moment and get a Rare Common (RC) of the same play : theorical max supply: 4K
  • Burn 5 RC get a Super Rare Common (SRC): theorical max supply 1K
  • Burn 5 SRC: get a Super Super Rare Common (SSRC): theorical max supply: 200
  • Burn 5 SSRC: get a Legendary Common (LC): theorical max supply: 40

First come best mint at every level.

Mint process for upper stage: #1, #2, #3, #Jersey number, #4, #5….

Holders: Will be rewarded by the gamification system at any level (small portfolios and big ones) generated by the best mint chase and rewards (EV, Collector Score, perks..)

Players: Will use different strategies: Run for the best mint (can be pricey), buy and wait the best moment to sell or mint a specific number. Even trade with another user.

Big Players: Funniest path to get a legendary #1 from of the moment

Here is how the available supply and price could react.

Common level: Mint at 40K fully distributed

As the supply is fully distributed the price may start very low, even 1$. It’s a inclusive stage and facilitate the acces to your favorite player (Lebron for 1$… I doubt it but we never know).

Rare Common level: Theorical max supply: 4K

As you need 10 moments to acces this stage of scarcity. The game really start here. Quickness for the best mint or be in a position to sale later or even trade.

Super Rare Common level: Theorical max supply: 1K

The pace here is clearly reduced, most of players might stop here and be in a good positon to looking for value and an excellent hand for trading. However, might be also the ceiling for the less popular moment due to the lack of liquidity so be careful.

Super Super Rare Common: Theorical max supply: 250

The hottest spot for Stars and specialy the one you love as if the liquidity is missing. The chance to mint a very good number is very high for less popular moment.

Legendary Common: The Grail, theorical max supply; 40

Most of the moment might never reach this stage, highly dependent of the previous stage, and only few could make it happen.

As the mint is based on NBA Top Shot user behaviour, it will naturally stop were the utility will no more match the requirements (Cost, liquidity…).

Only Super Star and big player’s engagement could eventually generate a legendary moment.

The user engagement will encourage both holding and the act of the Market Place (reach the next level of scarcity and rewards)

Let me know what you think in comment.

Thank you

TS: magick

