Calling all Alpha Testers

Magpie Protocol
2 min readMay 24, 2023


Your shiny new Magpie Protocol’s Alpha Tester Badge is ready!

Communities are the foundation of DeFi projects and protocols, and for us it is no different.

We want to make things easy so we’ve got a great new way for all our testers to track the points they’ve earned throughout alpha testing.

Here we’ll go over just a bit on how the points are earned, what the badge is, and how to get it.

Additionally, we want to give a huge thank you to the community and give back with this rewards system, it’s time to get the party started!

The Magpie Protocol’s Alpha Tester Badge

What is it?

If you were a Magpie Alpha Tester, you’ll be able to claim your Magpie Protocol’s Alpha Tester Badge and track your points earned throughout the Alpha testing as well as view the points leaderboard.

Let’s get you all set:

Follow these 3 easy steps:

1️⃣ Flap on over to our campaign here.

2️⃣ Connect/log-in by using the same wallet you used for Magpie Alpha Testing.

3️⃣ Click “Claim Reward.”

That’s it!

Once you’ve joined, fly on over here and check out which bird is on the top of the perch. Be sure to stay tuned and keep your eyes locked on our socials as we’ve got some flapping good news concerning the Beta soon!

Kindly be aware that the act of wrapping and unwrapping volume has been omitted and holds no point value for users.

Fly on over and pick up yours today!

For more news and updates about Magpie, join our Discord, Twitter, and Telegram.



Magpie Protocol

Future of cross-chain exchange infrastructure. Chain-Agnostic & Non-custodial liquidity aggregation protocol.