Magpie: New Year, New Goals.

Magpie Protocol
4 min readJan 11, 2023


When we said we were just getting started, we weren’t joking around. Right on the heels of a great year (read more about it in our year-end wrap up), the birds behind the scenes are quite busy making sure this year will be even better. So what’s next for Magpie?

What’s Next?

As of right now, the team is working towards the Beta release of Magpie Protocol as well as some exciting new updates to the project as a whole.

Outside of the dApp itself, we’re working on Gitbook documentation so that anyone who wants to learn more about Magpie, how it works, FAQs, as well as check out the smart contracts will be able to explore that information. Additionally, the team is working on Magpie APIs so that other projects and protocols can integrate seamlessly into Magpie, making it possible to yield-farm, lend/borrow, and buy NFTs, all cross-chain, easier than ever. We’ll be releasing more information about this in the coming months so be sure to stay up to date and follow us!

In regards to the app itself, the busy birds are working on adding the integration of the popular chains Arbitrum and Optimism, as well as putting in the groundwork for zkSync for when their mainnet fully launches.

Additionally, we are implementing a lot of bug fixes and will be making adjustments based on the feedback we’ve been provided by our amazing Alpha testers. Are you a mobile user? If so, we’ve got some great fixes coming your way as well, so using Magpie on the go will be easier than ever!


Soon after Alpha, we’ve got the Beta release! What does it include over the Alpha, you ask? First off, anyone who wants to test it out, can, no more waitlist!

We’ll be reworking the Swap interface, introducing a way to check out the routing information so you can see everywhere your assets are traveling during the swap process, as well as introducing a wallet management system to make life easier for you.

Possibly the biggest change from Alpha to Beta will be the implementation of Magpie’s off-chain liquidity network and Hashflow integration, helping to cement our place in DeFi as the best place for cross-chain swaps, making sure all of our users get the best prices at the fastest speeds, all while keeping you safe from the dreaded sandwich attacks, and continuing to be a secure non-custodial platform for the future of finance!

Later this Year: Beyond Beta

Magpies are smart, using tools to their advantage, so it makes sense that we do the same, integrating with great protocols and DeFi tools to make Magpie the best user experience in DeFi. Magpie plans to work with many other protocols and businesses to onboard them into the Magpie ecosystem, creating a place where users of all skill levels can access all parts of DeFi, from swaps, to bridging, lending, borrowing, & even NFT collecting.

As we’ve said before, we weren’t joking when we said last year we were just getting started. Magpie plans to integrate Aave, Yearn, Curve, & Compound pools to bring cross-chain lending and yield-aggregation to the Magpie flock. You won’t have to travel elsewhere, you’ll be able to access it directly from the Magpie app.

We’re not quite done yet! Did someone say Solana? We’ll be integrating a couple of non-EVM chains this year as well, stay tuned to find out the other one! In addition to the above, later in the year we plan on integrating with Cosmos & Cardano, so we’ve got quite the road ahead of us.

Are you excited? We are, be sure to join us on our journey and come join the party in Discord, Telegram, & on Twitter!



Magpie Protocol

Future of cross-chain exchange infrastructure. Chain-Agnostic & Non-custodial liquidity aggregation protocol.