An Alumni Service Award from my alma mater — SP Jain Institute of Management & ResearchLast month, I was fortunate to have received an Alumni Service Award for the year 2021 from my alma mater business school — SPJIMR based…Jan 12, 2022Jan 12, 2022
Startup is a living verb, not a has-been adjective.I always like to describe my company as a 3 decades plus young startup. To my mind, the current ongoing restructuring process of the global…May 11, 2021May 11, 2021
Covid-19 — Unsettling Times, What Next in Startup World — TIE sessionOn 28th March 2020, The Indus Entrepreneurs (TIE) Mumbai organized a panel discussion with the heads of Chiratae Ventures, Inventus…Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
Winning AI strategies for organizations — Some tweet thoughts on a MIT chatOn 23rd October 2019, I participated in a live Twitter chat (#MITSMRChat) t on ‘Winning Artificial Intelligence (AI) Strategies’ organized…Dec 26, 2019Dec 26, 2019
Published inBecoming Human: Artificial Intelligence MagazineBaby steps on an AI journeyYou enter a dark room and decide NOT to turn on the lights.Oct 31, 2019Oct 31, 2019
Can Blockchain save Indian banks ?I have been tracking the Blockchain based cryptocurrency technology innovations for the past couple of years with great interest because…Sep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019
Tweet thoughts on implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI)On the evening of India’s 72nd independence day on 15th August 2019, I participated in a live Twitter (#MITSMRChat) chat on ‘Implementing…Aug 31, 2019Aug 31, 2019
Azim Premji — A legendary Indian industrialist retires todayToday, 30th July 2019 is the last day of WIPRO’s founder Mr Azim Premji as Executive Chariman in office. In my organization, we have been…Jul 30, 2019Jul 30, 2019
An ‘Entity Embeddings’ sharing with New York’s AI CommunityOn 6th June 2019, I had the good fortune to address around 50 Artificial Intelligence (AI) professionals of the New York City (NYC) Deep…Jun 29, 2019Jun 29, 2019
The mystery of the misplaced shoe… Can AI help ?Last summer, while shopping in New York, my wife fell in love with a shoe at a clearance sale of a national retail chain. The problem was…May 31, 2019May 31, 2019