Keep Your World Clean: It Starts With You!

Mahnoor Sohail
9 min readAug 26, 2017


Throwing Garbage in the bins/dustbins is a good practice and which do not require to convince people verbally only but with some practical examples. People learn more from visualization. Therefore, the aim of our project is to show them with our actions.

“Great Speeches and Articles won’t help people understand, Our action will”

Causes and effect of not Throwing garbage in dustbins:

Causes: Pollution of garbage increases in cities and towns where there is no proper system of garbage collection. Households have to simply collect the entire garbage of their houses and place it to outside home in dustbin or bag. Its collection is the task of civic agency of the area. If garbage collection agency or contractor does not play its role properly and does not collect the garbage regularly then the problem of this kind of pollution would obviously arise. Also, People litter on roads and streets etc because of many reasons like; Laziness, the stance that the area is already messy, why bother finding a trash can? People don’t realize that with littering, there do come consequences, The garbage cans have a note stating that they are for specific trash only, the attitude that my neighbor litters, so do I, and careless stance that it’s just one paper!
Effects: There are very harmful effects of throwing garbage anywhere. Some of the effects are: It causes land pollution, which affects human health and causes serious health diseases. Such as- several types of cancer. The toxic material that pollutes the soil get into the human body directly by breathing in polluted dust and also by eating fruits and vegetable that have been grown in polluted soil. Also some major effects are given below:

Soil Pollution
Air pollution
Water Pollution
Marine Pollution
Human Health Issues

Project Amal:

Project Amal is a project where our group of six people will be taking part in a cause activity means an activity which will be for some cause for the betterment of our society. This Amal of our group will be to create awareness among people and stop them to do such activities which has been creating a negative impact on our society, culture, or country etc. The awareness that we want to develop among public is not to throw garbage of any kind on roads, streets etc but to throw them in dustbins. Also, to aware them about the importance of cleanliness that by throwing a single candy rapper into its right position can safe you and many future lives from many solutions and hazards. And can make this world a better and safer place to live in.

Amal Initiators:

The group member who will be taking actions to implement the idea of “Keep your world clean: Its starts with you” are as followed:
Mueez ur Rehmaan
Salman Noor
Hafiza Tiba Fayyaz
Mahnoor Sohail
Muhammad Abdullah
Muhammad Yahya

Amal Steps:

The steps here will explain you the type of activities and challenges our group is going to take in order to create awareness among people to throw their garbage in dustbins, cleanliness concept among people and make them realize its importance.
1. Cleanliness is half Godliness:
Cleanliness always begins with us. Take initiative to make yourself and outside world clean and beautiful through practical example by enforcing the idea of “Throwing Garbage in Dustbin”. So, next time when we have to throw our waste try to use dustbins. By doing this people will notice uncommon practice happening around them.
2. It starts with you:
Starting to take action of throwing our own garbage in dustbin. And giving people suggestions that when dustbin is not available than you should try to carry a rough bag with you (paper made bag if possible) in order to throw your waste while you are traveling and empty it afterwards. If you do not have one than use your pockets to keep your dry wastes. Once you start doing this (using dustbins), you will realize, what you were missing all this years, a good habit in you.
3. Initiation of Fixing Dustbins:
Departmental stores, canteens etc areas that need to have a dustbin. We will provide them with dustbin in order to make the place clean and this activity will stop public from littering on roads. Also, this activity will create public awareness about the importance of the dustbins.
4. Your House is not your only Home:
Promoting the idea of “Your true home”. It means that your house is not your only home, not just Pakistan, but the whole world. And it is the responsibility of all of us to take care of our surroundings and should keep it clean. This idea will be promoted in different areas of Lahore like universities, colleges, schools, market areas, shopping malls, among neighbors, individual society, friends, colleagues etc. through pamphlets, banners, questionnaires, stalls, social media (Facebook etc), videos etc. Also, blog writing on how to create awareness on cleanliness and throwing garbage in dustbins will be made.
5. “Educated people” you too:
Sharing life stories of what we have seen and than explain the only solution which is “ Visual and Practical Education to Educated People”. It means that in this activity our group members will visit different public places where the habit of throwing garbage is not common and we will do a practical example in front of public in order to create awareness of throwing garbage in dustbins. The main purpose of this activity is to give a visual example so a sense of responsibility will develop among every individual. Also, videos will be shared to show that how by a practical example you can create awareness among people.

6. Interaction with “ The real Heroes’’:
Sharing Interviews of “The Real Hero” (The Garbage Collector) and their stories and experiences. And then sharing this stories with public through Pamphlets , Questionnaires, Banners, etc. In the interview we’ll be asking them what hurdles they face while doing their jobs and what they think on the concept of “ Throwing Garbage in Dustbins”.

How our group will create awareness of cleanliness among people and what means we will be using to spread this awareness?

Many of us have tried, to stop using polythene and stop throwing here and there for a long time. But the problem is they don’t want to change. They think only their home is the place to be clean, and other places are not theirs, so how does it will matter to them. One more thing, these people have a false ego, which further creates problems.

Tip-01: By creating awareness of this fear in the minds of people that by not keeping the surroundings clean they are marching towards their death.This can be one of the solutions. Show them that their wrong actions can cause problems for other living beings. And create a sense of responsibility among them.

Tip-02: Tell small children and make them change, because they will surely listen and change for the good (they don’t have the ego problem). Making small children stop litter, will sooner or later stop their parents, relatives and siblings.

Tip-03: Also, during festival times when people are together, tell them about segregation of garbage, importance of cleanliness and how their bad attitude is impacting them.

Tip-04: On a regular basis, circulate posters making people realize there mistake of littering and causing damage to environment. Make them submerge in regret. Then they will change.

Tip-05: Spread awareness every moment and every second. Don’t forget to not use polythene and segregate garbage. Do this, the people whom you change will change others and change will spread. So begin now. Cleanliness is the biggest hazard it can also lead to an Ebola epidemic.

Means that we will be using:

Tip-06: We will be writing blogs on any free blogging platform like Blogger or Medium to simply communicate to community what they need to do for the proper maintenance of cleanliness in their area. We will point out main environmental issues of our area to let all know about their significance. After making a blog let the community know about its URL. For this word-of-mouth is the best source of publicity. Whoever you know in your community tell him the URL in writing to pass it on to others as well. In this way you can easily take on board your community members to look after your surrounding environment collectively.

Tip-07: The next option is little easier than green blogging. We will create a page or group on any popular social media (Facebook, WhatsApp) account with a name that reflects the area where we live and we just have to ask all our neighbors and other people living in our area to be the member of that group. From that group we can share our environmental concerns with them and can motivate them to make collective efforts for the improvement of our local environment.

Tip-08: By arranging events on the importance of cleanliness or spreading the message through door to door hunt in our community or neighbors. Also, handing over them with pamphlets or questionnaires in order to spread the message strongly.

Tip-09: As, this project also carries the concept of “It starts with you”. Therefore, we will be making a personal commitment with our self that we will be a practical example for common public of cleanliness. Means we will be performing examples like throwing garbage in dustbins etc because this will create a visual example for others and will spread the message in stronger manner.

Tip-10: Also, by sharing interviews or pictures of real heroes (garbage collector, cleaner initiator etc) in social media like Facebook etc. As, this will deliver the idea of keeping your world clean and furthermore the concept of it starts with you.

How will collect funds and what will be the means of our funding?

We will be collecting funds from common public and also will be contributing our part in it. In addition to that we will be collecting funds from our relatives, neighbors and friends etc. This funds will be directly used for our cause which is “KEEP YOUR WORLD CLEAN: IT STARTS WITH YOU! also the concept of “THROWING GARBAGE IN DUSTBINS” and through collecting funds, indirectly the awareness of this cause will also spread.

Expected Result:

1. Creating a practical example of Cleanliness.
2. Public awareness of throwing garbage in dustbins and make use of dustbins.
3. Stopping the concept of allowing other person to throw your garbage in dustbin.
4. Realization through interviews of real heroes.
5. Education of Educated people about Cleanliness through Practical examples.

Future Impact:

The transformation of idea into reality. It means a small act of one can safe many life. Just throwing a single piece of paper or a candy rapper into its right place appears to be a very small act but this can safe from the future earth pollution and can make this world a better place to live in. “Your Home Is the Place You Live in and that is the Earth, so keep it clean.’’

