Welcoming General_Mittenz to Main Menu!

4 min readMar 26, 2018


2017 was a wake-up call for us. It was a time for reflection, change, and, most importantly, a re-dedication, to the community we said was our number one priority.

The recruitment of SinfullyRiddling was step 1 in that re-dedication: a bright and shining star in the Twitch community that embodied happiness, positivity, and a genuine hatred for our director. It was that disdain for Kasper that brought our group of broadcasters closer together than ever before, but we knew that this was only the beginning in our journey towards re-earning your trust as your go-to team for quality content and entertainment.

Now it’s time for step 2.

Following TwitchCon 2017, we realized that hatred for Kasper wasn’t enough to bring our group fully together. If we were going to grow as a team and community again, we needed more than hate — we needed guidance. Leadership. A… General to lead us back to the path we desired.

…And maybe still a hatred for Kasper.

We all know where this is going…

Main Menu is proud to welcome General_Mittenz to our active broadcaster roster!

Normally, we hire a professional sonnet writer to put together these announcements, but Mittenz was generous enough to provide some facts about his life that we thought it was fitting to let his words do the talking. Here’s what he had to say:

“I began streaming on Twitch in early 2014, but decided to re-brand and create ‘General Mittenz’ and the Kittenz Army in the Fall of 2015. I once fought off an army of Zombie Samurai with nothing but a mustache and a g-string. The Uncharted Franchise is overrated. Batman v. Superman was better than Civil War, fight me; and I also hate bird puns”.

… Well that sums up his personality pretty well.

Mittenz is a very accomplished broadcaster, despite his current channel being relatively young at 2 1/2 years. Partnership in his life was achieved twice — first in 2010 to a gal named Mollie (before getting married in 2014 — awwww), followed by Twitch partnership in January 2016.

From there, Mittenz would go on to produce and host his own stage show at TwitchCon 2017 called Test Your Twitch and has many ambitious goals for 2018, such as writing/publishing his third book, completing 12 separate charity drives with his community (2 down, 10 to go!) and giving birth to a mini-mittenz sometime in early October (although, he admits, the actual birthing of their child is more of a Mollie thing to achieve… but he’ll be rooting for her the entire way ♥)

When asked about what he brings to the table for the Main Menu community, Mittenz proudly declared:

“A dick almost as big as Meg’s. A moustache that I can’t shave off because I look like a cartoon turtle without it. A small herd of geese that have flown in from England just for this announcement. Ideas for the future of the Main Menu community, which I will drive to make sure those ideas bear fruit — and problem solving for all!… Except for Kasper because, well, no one can solve his problems”.

Well he has the hatred for Kasper down pat…

When asked about joining the team, Mittenz had this analogy to share:

“Joining Main Menu feels like settling in for a long afternoon of binge-watching Netflix and then remembering that you have a bag of Swedish Fish in the pantry. Also, you just ordered pizza.”

In other words, we make Mittenz feel fat.
But we feel the same way about him ♥

Make sure you tune in RIGHT NOW as we welcome General_Mittenz to the Main Menu community! Drop him a follow on all of the following:
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/General_Mittenz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/General_Mittenz
Tinder: https://tinder.com/General_Mittenz
Another fake link I just made up: https://twitch.tv/iKasperr/subscribe

And make sure to drop the entire team a follow as we have plenty to offer in the upcoming months:
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/team/MainMenu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MainMenuLive

Step 2 took awhile to piece together, but we are super glad to have Mittenz on board and helping us lead the charge into the rest of the year! Step 3 isn’t too far away — and with #StJudePLAYLIVE right around the corner, it won’t be too long before we reveal what the team has in store for their first big event of 2018.




Team of variety broadcasters on @twitch dedicated to providing quality content on a daily basis. What's on your menu today? http://www.twitch.tv/team/MainMenu