The Best Weight Lifting Workouts For Athletic Players

Makay Activaa
3 min readJul 28, 2016

Strength training is an important element of fitness that is key for nearly every sports person. Unlike the past when coaches thought that resistance training only served to add some unnecessary bulk to athletes, nowadays weight lifting workouts for athletic players are an accepted part of training. There are many benefits that athletes can reap from strength training. This is not only an important part of conditioning that can help to power athletes such as rugby and football players, but it can also help to improve the strength routine. Here are some important components of weight lifting workouts for athletic players.

Amount of weight

You should begin by determining your rep range. After you are able to perform as many reps as you can, it should not be difficult to choose a weight. If you are unable to perform a minimum of 8 reps, it means that the weight is too heavy and should therefore be reduced during the next workout. If you are able to perform at least 12 reps, it means that the weight is too light and should be decreased during the next workout. After 2 to 4 workouts, it will not be difficult to choose an optimal weight.

Number of training days

In order to choose the number of training sessions to engage in every week, you should consider various factors like game schedule, practice time, availability of facilities and outside activities. Generally, you will have more time that will be available or weight lifting during off-season as compared to the competitive season. Some of the guidelines for working out as an athletes include:

In season. One to 3 day in a week. Engage in 1 to three total body workouts every week and alternating lower & upper body routines

Pre-season. Two to three days in a week. Engage in 2 to three total body workouts every week or 3 days per week alternating lower & upper body routines.

Off-season. 2 to 4 days in a week. Engage in total body workouts 2 to 3 times in a week, workouts of the lower and upper body twice in a week.

Period of training

It is important for every session of strength training to last for a period of 20 to 60 minutes. Ensure that rests between the sets last for a period of 1 to 2 minutes. This will create time for the setting of the next exercise. Ensure that you workout the huge muscles first. A good idea is to start with the huge group of muscles before moving to the smaller groups. Some of the larger groups of muscles include the upper back, chest, hips and quads. Some of the smaller groups of muscles include arms, shoulders, calves, hamstrings and abdominals.


It is important for you to change the professional athlete workout routines after every 6 to 12 weeks. This will help to ensure that the body experiences a new stressor. The change to be made can be as small as changing the rep range, changing the set number for each set, adding some new exercises or changing the order in which you do the workouts. You can also effect change by engaging in routines that are completely new. The body will only require some small changes if it will make progress and therefore, it is important to ensure that you create programs that are brand new. When you regularly change the workout routine, this will ensure that your muscular tissue doesn’t adapt to the stress gradually. If there is no sudden change in routine, it can be hard to determine whether the routine is working or not. In order to build strength, you will need a lot of persistence and patience and therefore you will need to be more diligent. For more ideas on the best weight lifting workouts for athletic players, you should get in touch with MP45.

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Makay Activaa

I am Makay Activaa from Boca Raton, Florida and i am professional athlete trainer at Where I provide many workout tips related to ripped body.