How SSDs Work: A Closer Look at Solid-State Drives

Make Computer Science Great Again
3 min readOct 30, 2023


Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

Solid-State Drives (SSDs) have revolutionized the world of data storage, offering faster performance, enhanced durability, and improved energy efficiency compared to traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs). In this article, we’ll delve into the inner workings of SSDs, exploring how they function and the technology behind their impressive capabilities.

The Basics of SSDs

SSDs are data storage devices that use NAND-based flash memory to store and retrieve data. Unlike HDDs, which rely on spinning platters and mechanical arms to read and write data, SSDs have no moving parts, making them more robust and efficient. The core components of an SSD include NAND flash memory chips, a controller, and a cache.

NAND Flash Memory

NAND flash memory is the heart of an SSD. It is a type of non-volatile storage that retains data even when the power is turned off. NAND memory is organized into a grid of cells, with each cell being a transistor. These cells store data as electrical charges, with the absence of a charge representing a binary ‘0’ and the presence of a charge representing a binary ‘1’.

There are several types of NAND flash memory, including Single-Level Cell (SLC), Multi-Level Cell (MLC), Triple-Level Cell (TLC), and Quad-Level Cell (QLC). These differ in their capacity, speed, and endurance, with SLC being the fastest and most durable but also the most expensive, while QLC offers higher capacity but with some trade-offs in speed and endurance.

The Controller

The controller is the brain of the SSD, managing data storage, retrieval, and optimization. It works in tandem with the NAND flash memory to ensure efficient data management. The controller takes care of tasks such as wear-leveling, bad block management, and error correction. Wear-leveling, for instance, evenly distributes write and erase cycles across the NAND cells to prolong the lifespan of the SSD.


Many SSDs feature a cache, which acts as a high-speed buffer to temporarily store frequently accessed data. Caches can be made of different types of memory, such as SDRAM or 3D XPoint. They help improve the overall performance of an SSD by reducing the time it takes to access commonly used data.

How SSDs Read and Write Data

Reading Data

When you request data from your SSD, the controller first locates the data in the NAND flash memory by referencing the address. The electrical state of the cells is then checked, and the controller converts the binary data back into a usable format. This process is incredibly fast since there are no mechanical parts involved, and data retrieval can happen almost instantly.

Writing Data

Writing data to an SSD is a bit more complex than reading it. When you want to write data, the SSD must first erase the target NAND cells to ensure that they are empty. Afterward, the controller writes the new data to the now-empty cells. However, because NAND cells have a limited number of write-erase cycles, SSDs employ wear-leveling algorithms to evenly distribute these cycles across the memory, extending the SSD’s lifespan.

Garbage Collection

As data is frequently written and erased from an SSD, it can become fragmented, causing performance degradation. To address this issue, SSDs use a process called garbage collection. This process identifies and consolidates blocks of data that are no longer in use, freeing up space for new data. It helps maintain the SSD’s performance over time.


Solid-State Drives have fundamentally changed the landscape of data storage with their speed, reliability, and efficiency. Understanding how they work can shed light on the reasons behind their impressive performance. With NAND flash memory, a sophisticated controller, and smart data management techniques, SSDs continue to evolve and set new standards for storage solutions in the digital age.

