Unified theory of . . ehm . . reality itself maybe?

Kiarash Mazandarani
4 min readMay 12, 2023


Here’s a very controversial theory, bear with me it may make sense to you:

So there is quantum physics that says the observer kind of creates reality. There are scientists considering this to be super true, link at the end (free download very possible if you click around hard enough).

So we hoomans are multiple observers. So multiple observers probably create a shared reality, I mean it’s safe to assume.

I think observer is not equal observer though, observers who can pick up more have a bigger impact in creating f-ing reality.

so lets say a fish has less effect than a bird flying high above.

Bear with me ok, I had a serious Eureka!!! moment. I’m super emotional. And it happend actually in a bathtub. And energy is actually expensive and I’m not exactly rich *on disability*

So among humans, who is the BEST observers? who has the best most sensitive ears, eyes, receptivity for detail? who who who?

Us autistics and most if not all other kinds of neurodivergent people. Like Schizophenics too, they have seriously sensitive ears, even when not hallucinating. I know quite a few, very nice sweet people, mostly extremely intelligent, hell they could as well be autistics with a twist.

So what is the implications of these?

it’s a shared reality,

Neurodivergents are the most powerful observers,

So we are pretty much very important when it comes to the f-ing reality itself.

Possibly as a group, we have the biggest impact on how reality actually is.


Some people (most of mainstream society lets say) traumatize us, or make us miserable, poor, let us slide into homelessness, addictions and all other hellish things one can have, in all sorts of ways.

Add that to observers create reality and we are the master observers.

Do the calculations yourself. There is a very weird conclusion in this.

Along the lines that the society should treat us as nicely as they possibly can and beyond, and give us free chocolate and dogs and cats and rabbits and farms and GOATS. definitely GOATS, because they are funny, and maybe be super kind and loving to us too, and provide us with music instruments and the permit to play them basically almost everywhere. For their own sake!

To make it more clear, us just being happy and not in the gutter and not having to live with past trauma on top of that, may save the world. like call me crazy but I think it somehow makes sense.

All I’m saying is, if you have a network, and you want it to work properly, you may want to have administrators that are feeling OK to do their job right. And imho, we autistics and other neuerodivergent people might be the administrators of…. ehm…. reality.

P.s.: Even if you think I’m a maximally delusional idiot, still, there is nothing wrong with, like, not making idiots and r**tards miserable by asking them to do things they physically and mentally would never be able of, and preventing them from living in peace. So maybe still consider treating us a bit better. It went wrong in the past ever so slightly.

Update 18. May 2023: sorry to be a fearmongering azz, but I just realized it’s not even “us loonies and auties” anymore. Do the math.

Drum rollllll…..

The biggest observation network thing is the interwebs and AI, globally. Sorry to spoil all the fun. This is not good. Still maybe we looneis and auties can help. bye. (I’ll go take meds now lol, realization too intense *kidding I won’t haha*).

Update 19. May 2023:

The ONLY solution that comes to my mind is to take us “human master observers” out of the feedback loop we are in with AI and the internet and provide us with meaningful human connections, happiness, cuteness, and “FUNNNNY”. The last thing humanity as a whole now needs is us “human master observers” to be in a feedback loop with AI and the internet.

Frankly the solution stays the same: Make our lives less of a living hell, and provide us with land, goats, ducklings and music instruments, or whatever that keeps us away from the internet that doesn’t involve force, de-facto incarceration (closed psychiatric wards) or removing us from existence (like let’s say the historical way that started the last WW) K THX.

Frankly the last thing anyone who agrees with this would want is us to “self isolate” and sit somewhere alone with a phone or laptop. And “self isolate” goes in quotes because we don’t want it. We are being shunned by society as “useless people”.

Kiarash Mazandarani


kinda more source : Universal Consciousness: Collective Evidence on the Basis of Current Physics and Philosophy of Mind. Part 1

