Nicholas Kusmich — How to be known as THE expert in your field

2 min readDec 12, 2016


So many of us are killing it in our chosen field, but when it comes to how we are being portrayed in the eyes of our customers we could be doing a lot more. With a few tweaks here and there we can be know as THE expert to go to. Nicholas Kusmich is known as an expert in Facebook/social media advertising and he’s on the show this week to teach us all how to amplify our brand so that customers are literally breaking down our door.

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Some questions Roger asks:

  • What was a defining moment for you? (1:41)
  • What is it that you do? (3:42)
  • What was it that made you realize you could be a leader in this field of work? (5:10)
  • What’s the best way for an individual to raise awareness of their brand? (12:22)
  • How do you get over the fear of being an entrepreneur? (15:55)
  • What have been some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way? (21:46)
  • What do you want your lasting legacy to be? (31:20)

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Editing & Mixing by: Aaron Johnson
Theme music by: Parlange & Latenite Automatic

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Originally published at ManTalks.




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