Ashley Tay Wee Kiat
5 min readJun 28, 2015


Okay, so I haven’t made any posts for quite a while and that’s mostly because I didn’t really have much to talk or post about. However, just today (or yesterday since it’s already 1am as I’m writing this) I managed to clear a Civilization game.

What’s so significant is that for the first time, I managed to win with something other than a cultural victory. Yup, as the title already mentions, I achieved a scientific victory in this game!

Okay, pardon the picture quality, it was taken with my phone from my computer screen lol!

Oh, notice the “GO BEYOND EARTH” option? It’s actually a link to the newest Civilization game, Civilization Beyond Earth, on the Steam game engine.

Okay, before I waste any more of your reading time on useless chatter, let’s start on the game blogging.

First Half of the Game:

Okay, the first half of the game is probably not the first half but the first three quarters, maybe? I selected the Iroquois civilisation for this game.

Basically, this is the growing and expanding period. Nothing much happens here so I didn’t get any screenshots and I’m probably only going to briefly summarize the contents of this section.

So, I created a scout and explored the landmass around my first city. I didn’t get to explore too far cause there were city states (and Spain) blocking the way of my expansion. In the end, the warrior returned to my city to protect it while the scout continued looking for stuff.

I settled my second city, Osinika, to the south in order to get the nice cocoa and stone resources in that area. Unfortunately, that gave me a diplomatic penalty with Spain as Isabella had wanted to expand in that direction to take those resources.

My third village, Grand River, was settled to the east of Onondaga in a location that allowed me to expand and take a citrus resource some time in the future.

Akwesasme was settled to the southeast, pretty close to the city state of Lhasa as I wanted the ivory resource that can be found at the bottom tip of that landmass.

So, I spent some time growing and working each city. I started out with the Tradition social policy tree before moving to the Liberty tree as I had plans to expand further.

By opening borders with Spain, I managed to scout further south of the landmass and found a nice spot to settle my fifth village, Buffalo Creek (this civilisation has horrible name choices…).

I grew my cities with a heavy focus on production to enable me to build my units faster. I think I initially planned to try out a domination victory but changed my mind when Assyria took over another civilisation’s capital. At that point, I felt that I could not challenge that civilisation fast enough to be able to dominate the game.

Of note is the fact that Osinika was settled with two coastal tiles beside it. That allowed Osinika to connect to cities on both sides of that archipelago. Hence, I made Osinika a trading city and built all of the trade boosting and gold-boosting buildings and wonders (such as the East India Company and Collosus) there.

Here’s how my civilisation was as I entered the mid-game.

Mid-Game — Global Politics

I consider the mid-game started right when Assyria founded the world congress in the game. That’s when all of the civilizations in the game are revealed to you. I quickly set up embassies in all of those civilisations’ capitals.

Right about then, the cities started denouncing each other as well. I joined Venice and Ottoman in denouncing Assyria so that I could be in on their alliance.

In the end, the game progressed to a point where I instigated all of the civilisations in the game to declare war on Assyria:

Poor Assyria had to fight against all of the other civilisations at once. I quickly initiated a peace treaty with Assyria so that I did not have to engage in any direct fighting.

The reason why I did this is to slow down all of the other civilisations’ (especially Assyria’s) growths. Also, as a result of the war, my average strength military troops became the best and strongest troops in the game:

Ouch. Those guys suffered quite a lot of military damage from the war.

Late Game — Gearing up for the Scientific Victory

Okay, so I was a little surprised when I entered the late game with these statistics:

Basically, I was the richest civilisation in the whole game and was richer than the second richest by a large margin.

Anyway, I noticed that there was this ideally under the Freedom tree:

That ideology and the large amount of gold I had finally encouraged me to pursue a scientific victory over any other forms of victory.

So yeah, I focused on science after that and managed to swiftly research and but all of the spaceship parts for the science way of dominating the game.

Nothing much else to say about late game except that I spent a lot of time waiting cause there wasn’t much else to do other than wait for the researching to be completed.

So there you have it, a scientific victory:

