5 Content Marketing Trends Digital Agencies Need to Know in 2019

Mandy McEwen
6 min readJan 3, 2019


Though content marketing is certainly here to stay, all digital marketers are aware that content marketing trends change over time — and they change fast! What worked a few years ago might not work today, and what you plan today might not generate results tomorrow.

Companies that adopt content marketing for their brand achieve 6X greater conversion rates than those who have yet to begin leveraging it in their digital marketing strategy, and with good reason. Content marketing is all about creating valuable resources that target your dream clients, helping them and building a relationship with them. And once you’ve established that relationship, it’s easier to convert your leads into paying clients.

Content marketing is cost-effective, too: it costs 62% less than outbound marketing, all while generating 300X more leads. But with so many forms of content out there, from videos to blog posts to eBooks, it’s hard to know where you should start. To compete today, digital marketers must keep up with changing trends and integrate them into their content marketing plan.

Sick of spending so much time writing blog posts every week? Nowadays, 77% of internet users read blogs, and 61% of U.S. online consumers make a purchase after reading recommendations in a blog — meaning you can’t afford not to have one for your business!

Learn how to write better blogs in less time so you can reach that 77% of internet users. Download our free guide today!

2019 Content Marketing Trends

Here are some of the top content marketing trends to watch out for in 2019:

1. Companies Will Make Privacy a Higher Priority

With GDPR going into effect on May 25, 2018, and California passing a lighter version called the “Consumer Privacy Act” later in the year, companies have been forced to pay attention to privacy over the past year — and that focus will only increase in 2019.

And while most companies scrambled to ensure they were compliant before the deadline, not all companies were impacted by these new regulations just yet if they did not have customers in the affected areas. However, the trend of governments requiring greater transparency and privacy protections for consumers is rising every year, and companies won’t be able to ignore it in their content marketing in 2019.

That’s why we expect to see companies making privacy a big focus in their content marketing strategy for 2019, no matter where they are located.

2. Companies Will Dedicate More of Their Marketing Budget to Original Content

Speaking of videos and original content:

As a digital marketing entrepreneur, how does this affect you? Realize that what these massive companies are doing sets the trend for smaller businesses, and potential clients now need your help more than ever to keep up with these growing content marketing trends and produce their own original videos.

Furthermore, to do content marketing right, you and your clients can’t settle for the bare minimum, writing a blog post every 6 months or tweeting “when you feel like it.” Instead, to find success with content marketing, you need to invest in consistent, SEO-friendly content creation, with images, videos, and other content assets that can be used across multiple channels.

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3. Interactive Content Will Be a Key Driver of Engagement

Most associate interactive content with the technological innovations of virtual reality or augmented reality (VR and AR, respectively). While content marketers are finding innovative ways to use these technologies, interactive content doesn’t necessarily have to be a big production requiring expensive equipment.

Instead, think about using interactive content in terms of online quizzes or the “Live Photos” on Facebook that you can click and hold for exciting special effects. You likely already have the capabilities to create this type of content in-house and inexpensively, allowing you to test out different types of interactive content without investing a lot of time or money right away.

4. Marketing Teams Will Include New Roles and More Remote Workers

Due to the increase in content creation and the fact that content is now taking on so many different forms, digital agencies should also expect changes in content teams as one of the biggest digital marketing trends for 2019.

In order to stay competitive in 2019, you will need to create multi-channel strategies and content marketing plans to get the most out of the content assets you create. It’s not enough to have a company Facebook account — you have to consider content in terms of your social media channels, email marketing, website, guest posting, and more! With this in mind, the brands that are most successful in their content marketing endeavors will begin to look more like publishing companies as they add new roles to keep up with changing demands.

Content marketing teams will need members with the following skills, as they will become even more relevant in 2019:

  • Branding and communications
  • Audio and video production
  • Content distribution
  • Graphics designing and editing
  • Copywriting
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Content marketing strategy development and execution

If you lack any of these skills at your digital agency, you don’t have to hire a dozen new full-time employees. Instead, turn to outsourcing to white label partners and freelancers to fill in any gaps.

5. Live Video Will Dominate Social Feeds

Video marketing has been touted as the ‘next megatrend’ (after mobile) by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

The largest of the social networks pulled out all the stops: investing in video content, adding ephemeral content via Facebook Stories, developing an immersive experience with 360 video, and allowing viewers to watch videos real-time with Facebook Live (which originally debuted in 2015).

While many people played around with Facebook Live in the past few years, it is expected to become more mainstream in 2019. Facebook found that users comment 10x more during live videos than recorded videos, and that high engagement rate is extremely attractive to brands.

These Content Marketing Trends Are Only the Beginning

While each of these content marketing trends are backed up by data, they only serve as a guide. Do your own research and testing to determine how you can improve your company’s unique content marketing strategy, as every brand and target market is different.

And though a strong content marketing plan is important, you need to then turn those prospects into paying clients!

That’s why I’ve created my free Digital Marketing Audit & Strategy proposal template, to help you land 6-figure projects again and again.

Grab yours for free today:

Updated December 27, 2018

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Originally posted on modgirl.consulting.



Mandy McEwen

Head Mod Girl @ModGirlMktg. I help modern companies 2X, 3X, and 10X their revenues via #InboundMarketing. http://www.modgirlmarketing.com