Top 24 Best Digital Marketing Tools For 2017

Mandy McEwen
6 min readSep 21, 2017


Ever think you could achieve your goals and scale your business much faster — if you only knew the best digital marketing tools?

These days, there are so many different online marketing tools that it’s hard to know where to start. Each new tool requires an investment of your time and money, and choosing the wrong one now and then switching to another later can be a hassle.

At Mod Girl Marketing, we rely on these best digital marketing tools every day to help our clients achieve their goals and grow our agency. We’ve broken the list down into the 8 categories most important to any business:

  • Analytics & Data
  • SEO & Blog Content
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Automation
  • Visual Design
  • Landing Pages
  • Project Management
  • Content Curation

Want to learn the exact social media tools we use to help us boost Mod Girl Marketing’s SEO and website traffic?

Grab your free copy of our ebook: 8 Stupid Simple Social Media Tricks to Boost SEO.

This blog contains affiliate links, which means Mod Girl Marketing may receive a commission if you decide to buy one of these digital marketing tools. However, we do use each of the following products for our agency and/or clients every day.

Discover the 24 Best Digital Marketing Tools

Analytics & Data

Google Analytics is a must for any digital marketer looking to scale their business. This free tool shows you all of the important information about your website performance, including audience demographics, popular keywords, actions taken, and more.

SumoMe allows you to track your readers’ behavior while on your site and make adjustments accordingly. Use their Heat Maps to see where people are clicking and their Content Analytics to see where people stop reading.

Platform-Based Social Media Analytics are the free analytics tools built into social media platforms themselves — on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more. Though other tools can aggregate your data, looking at platform-based analytics allows you to look at each account as a unique entity, devising different strategies for each social media platform.

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SEO & Blog Content

UberSuggest helps you come up with new keywords or blog topics with an easy “suggest” tool. Simply type in your main keyword to see a list of similar results. You can then select any of the results to expand it for even more options, look at Google trends data, or search for the term in Google.

Google Keyword Planner lets you know which of your potential keywords pack the biggest punch. See how often your keywords are searched and if that changes over time (especially important for seasonal terms!) You can even find “more like this” for more ideas.

Yoast is a plugin for WordPress that adds extra search engine data to each blog post. This allows Google to easily read your page and increases your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Social Media Marketing

MeetEdgar is one of the best digital marketing tools for evergreen content. Add tweets, LinkedIn updates, and Facebook posts to your “library,” separated into as many categories as you want. Then set a calendar to schedule each category to post to a selected social media account at a specified time.

HootSuite offers an easy way to schedule posts and check all of your social media accounts in one place. Set up “streams” for scheduled messages, mentions, messages, posts, and more. You can even assign a comment or message to a team member for them to reply later.

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Socedo helps you find qualified leads on Twitter and retarget them via email marketing. Set up a campaign to target those who recently followed one of your competitors, mentioned an upcoming event, or has a specific keyword in their bio. Socedo will follow them, send them DMs, and sync new contacts into your CRM system.

Email Automation

ActiveCampaign is an all-in-one platform for your email marketing, marketing automation, and sales CRM software. It helps you engage with your contacts with welcome emails, trigger campaigns, sales follow-ups, and more. With countless data-driven automations, you can make sure you never miss an opportunity with a potential lead.

Hatchbuck automates lead generation and client communication. Its CRM is specifically designed for small businesses, letting you see their activity in real time and trigger hot leads when they’re ready to buy.

HubSpot Sales (formerly known as Sidekick) lets you see who opens your emails — and when. It also pulls up the contact’s professional history, company information, and latest tweets, and even lets you schedule emails to send at a later time.

Visual Design

Canva helps you create beautiful photos with easy drag-and-drop technology. Select one of their countless templates or choose a blank design pre-sized for the platform of your choice. You can even customize the branding section so you always have your colors, fonts, and logos available.

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Animoto allows you to create professional slideshow videos with music, custom text, visual effects, and more. Simply pick a template, add your media, and publish to share your video across your social media accounts.

Freepik gives you access to more than one million vectors, photos, icons, and more for one monthly subscription fee. Find the perfect stock photo for your blog or icon for your logo without worrying about attribution. You can even sort images by color.

Landing Pages

LeadPages allows you to quickly make mobile-friendly landing pages. Offer lead magnets, collect email addresses, and integrate your page with your email automation software.

ClickFunnels is a step above LeadPages, letting you build a series of landing pages to capture email addresses, sell products, register people for events, and more.

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OptimizePress is designed to create pages with a similar look and feel to your WordPress site. With lots of templates and customizable elements, you can edit your landing pages in real-time to get your content up fast.

Project Management

Basecamp allows you to manage all the moving parts of your projects. With options to create internal and client-facing folders, you can stay up-to-date on all of your tasks, share documents, and keep track of upcoming meetings with a shared calendar.

Asana helps you get your work done faster. With easy to read progress reports for projects, the ability to turn conversations into tasks, and even project templates, it helps your team focus on your current priorities and increases productivity.

Slack is an instant messaging system that allows you to quickly communicate with your team or clients. Hold private conversations or chat in “channels” designated for specific topics.

Content Curation

Feedly collects all of your favorite blogs in one place so you can scroll through them quickly. It even notes how many shares an article has, letting you find the most popular ones to share on social media.

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Buffer is the fast way to share anything you’re reading. Simply download the extension or app and your links to the tool, and it will automatically add your post to your queue for the social media platform of your choice. allows you to add a call-to-action on every blog and social media post shared. You can personalize your links with themes, colors, logos, and more, making it a great way to increase conversions.

Need More Help With Digital Marketing And SEO?

This list is just a small selection of the vast array of the best digital marketing tools available to the modern marketer. Contact Mod Girl Marketing today to learn how our consulting services and marketing programs can help you scale your business.

Want to learn even more ways you can scale fast? Discover our 8 stupid simple social media tricks to boost your SEO, drive website traffic, and skyrocket your business.

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Mandy McEwen

Head Mod Girl @ModGirlMktg. I help modern companies 2X, 3X, and 10X their revenues via #InboundMarketing.