Top 8 Social Media Tools for B2B Lead Generation

Mandy McEwen
9 min readMar 10, 2017


Are you stuck in a rut where traditional marketing methods are losing their effectiveness? Do you want to reach your prospects using the power of social media or need new ways to generate leads?

According to Madison Logic, 93% of all B2B marketers are engaged in some form of social media marketing, with most focusing on the three most popular channels — LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

When executed correctly, social media can be an effective way to engage potential customers, build awareness, and move leads down your sales funnel. In fact, social media has proven to be effective for B2B lead generation as 72% of all Internet users are active on social channels.

With numerous tools on the market, it can be overwhelming to figure out which ones work and, more importantly, how they work to boost your bottom line.

Fortunately, Mod Girl Marketing consultants stay on top of the latest tools and trends that help B2B marketers reach their target audience and generate leads more effectively. In this article, we’ve narrowed down the top 8 lead generation tools that you can utilize to increase sales and ROI through the power of social media.

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1. Socedo

Do you struggle finding leads that are relevant to your industry? Or, perhaps you have difficulty engaging with your target audience on social media? Using Socedo may be the right fit for you.

Socedo is a B2B demand generation system that allows you to discover, engage and qualify prospects through social media.

Essentially, the platform works to filter through millions of users on Twitter, collecting the most relevant profiles that fit your buyer personas. This process is customizable, allowing you to set specific search criteria using bio, conversational, and location keywords. Then you can narrow down your focus on the leads that Socedo generates and approve the leads you’d like to reach out to.

Once you approve a connection, this will initiate a chain of automated engagement. For example, perhaps you “favorite” one of the lead’s Tweets, follow them shortly after, and add them to a Twitter list. You can even customize direct messages which are sent to your prospects.

These same engagement actions can then continue onto LinkedIn. Socedo will automatically send them a connection request, further deepening the relationship and engagement with each lead, essentially transforming cold leads into warmer leads.

This platform is different than traditional lead lists because Socedo uses real-time social behavior in order to qualify your leads. You can ditch cold calling lists and opt to build meaningful relationships through social media with people that are actually interested in your brand.

Mod Girl Marketing teamed up with Socedo for a live webinar that revealed how you can leverage social media to boost SEO. Fill out the form below to watch the webinar replay.

2. Wishpond

Wishpond is an all-in-one marketing solution for brands. Through the platform, you can create photo contests, add social commerce elements to e-commerce websites, and even showcase your Pinterest Boards.

The biggest benefit to using Wishpond is that you can integrate it with the tools you are already using to run your business. This allows you to seamlessly create landing pages, send emails, track leads from different social campaigns, and more.

If you are really looking to expand your social reach and increase B2B leads, you may want to consider running a photo contest. An Instagram photo contest can be a great way to gain email leads — plus, since people love to share their photos on Instagram, they are more likely to get engaged. You can use a content specific hashtag to extend the reach and searchability of your campaign. In order to collect email addresses, make the contest restrictive unless the entrant provides their email.

3. Sni.ply

Sniply is a tool that allows you to overlay your own custom message onto any piece of content. By using Sniply, you can create a call-to-action, like a button linking back to your website, which can drive people to your website and increase your ROI.

One of the most interesting parts about Sniply is that you don’t have to own the content to add your message, so you can appear on Mashable, The New York Times, TechCrunch — wherever you may please!

There are three easy steps to using Sniply:

  • Choose the URL you want your message to appear on.
  • Craft the message you want to appear on the page.
  • Create the call-to-action that leads to a conversion.

After completing this steps, Sniply will give you a unique URL. Instead of sharing the original link you found, you can share this unique URL, which is essentially the same page but with your brand presence included inside. This gives people the ability to engage with your call to action, driving them to your website so they can ultimately convert!

Unlike banner ads, which can sometimes be intrusive, Sniply’s call-to-actions are more conspicuous link-bound messages. It’s likely that someone that clicks on your link already has an established relationship with you — whether they follow you on Twitter or another form of social media — making Sniply a more personal form of advertising.

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4. BuzzSumo

Buzzsumo is a great tool for content marketing and SEO which are key drivers to fueling your social media presence.

You can enter a keyword or backlink into Buzzsumo to get a detailed report on how well similar content has performed based on social media shares. You can also filter the results by date, language, country, and type of content to further narrow down the top subjects. It’s a simple and intuitive tool that allows you to quickly see which relevant topics and influencers are getting the most attention via social media.

By using the information extracted from Buzzsumo, you can develop better content, create a solid social media strategy, or reach out to key influencers.

Bonus: You can even use Buzzsumo and Sniply together to maximize your lead generation potential. Type in relevant keywords into Buzzumo to search for popular articles. Then, use Sniply to add a powerful call to action when posting on social media.

Once a user clicks onto your website from Sniply, try capturing emails via a pop-up, lead magnet, or content upgrades. This will help grow your email list, so you can warm up leads and ultimately convert them.

5. Twitter Lead Generation Cards

Twitter is a useful platform for B2B marketers looking to increase their ROI. With the introduction of newer features, like Lead Generation Cards, it’s now incredibly easy to capture user data without them even having to go to your website!

What makes Twitter lead gen cards successful is that they have been able to decrease the average cost per click while increasing the number of click-throughs. This is the “secret-sauce” to making Twitter a highly efficient lead generation tool for B2B marketers.

By incorporating a lead generation card into your social media strategy, you’ll be able to include a form that attaches to your tweet. This ways, users do not even have to leave the platform to give you their information. By not disrupting the user’s current action (Twitter scrolling), the lead generation card is highly effective. In fact, it has shown to have a 996% improvement in acquiring leads and a 500% reduction in cost per lead from Twitter itself!

When creating a lead generation card on Twitter, be sure to specify your offer and include a strong call to action. We also recommend incorporating an eye-catching high quality image that will stop that scrolling thumb. You can use relevant hashtags to find and connect with your target audience.

6. Facebook Lead Generation Ads

Contrary to popular belief, Facebook isn’t just for B2C marketing — it can be highly effect for B2B marketers as well.

Utilizing Facebook Lead Ads is a great way to reach past your Facebook Page’s audience, finding new prospects to convert. Similarly to Twitter Lead Generation Cards, Facebook Lead Ads give people a quick and private way to sign up to receive more information.

When someone clicks on your lead ad, a form will open with the person’s contact information automatically populated based on the information they’ve shared with Facebook. This usually includes their name and email address. This makes it super fast and easy for the user to share their information with your business. Then you can sync the information that you receive with your CRM and then respond to your leads in real time.

You may already know that you can target ads to people within a specific geographical location, age, and gender, but did you know you can go after other profile features? This is an important and useful tip for B2B marketers.

When setting up your ad, look for the “More Demographics” button. A menu will pop up with great demographic choices. Here are some that you should pay close attention to if you’re a B2B marketer:

  • Employer: This is a great tool to target employees of specific companies you want to reach. You can choose the company you right from the drop down list. If you don’t have a specific company in mind, you can target specific industries or people that work in more unique settings, like a home office.
  • Job Title: You can tailor an ad for broad groups, like entrepreneurs, or hone in on a specific job title, like Director of Marketing.
  • New Jobs: People that have just entered a new job are more likely to show that they are innovative and forward-thinking. They are also more open minded to meet with sales representatives to speak about new technology or other possible change ups. You can target those with new jobs and a specific job title or employer to maximize your reach.

7. LinkedIn Showcase Pages

Is your company targeting more than one persona? If yes, you’ll definitely want to look into utilizing LinkedIn Showcase Pages.

LinkedIn Showcase Pages are a great solution for companies that have multiple target audiences online. Essentially, they allow your company to have one main page, but also have separate Showcase Pages for different products or services. Think of these pages as “mini LinkedIn pages.” You can use these pages to craft specific messages to each of your personas, further reaching the right people and driving more leads.

In order to effectively reach the right audience through the Showcase Pages, you’ll have to create powerful content, strong visuals, and regular updates with active social engagement. Combining these various factors will create a powerful Showcase Page and you’ll notice your followers and engagement naturally increase. This, coupled with a solid inbound marketing strategy, will boost your bottom line and increase your ROI.

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8. BuzzBundle

Are you looking for easier ways to join online conversations surrounding your industry?

BuzzBundle allows you to engage your target audience on various social media channels. You can use the tool to find people who are asking questions related to your area of expertise. Then, you can provide helpful answers directly to them.

When using BuzzBundle, you can enter in keywords that pertain to your content. The tool looks at different social media sites, forums, blogs, and other websites for the keywords that you’ve specified. This allows you to easily and seamlessly join online conversations all from within the platform. Plus, you can direct people back to your content with a link where they are more likely to convert.

You can prioritize important discussions, queue up content to have it published later on, and get real, instant data all at one click.

Not only will this help you join in on valuable conversations, you’ll also be able to create high quality backlinks with ease directed towards your website.

Need To Improve Your SEO?

Mod Girl Marketing teamed up with Socedo for a live webinar to bring you easy tips that you can use to leverage your social media content to improve your online presence. Not only will you discover new ways to increase your backlinks, expand your reach, nurture leads, and make your blogs more effective, you’ll be able to boost your entire online presence. Watch the replay now.

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Mandy McEwen

Head Mod Girl @ModGirlMktg. I help modern companies 2X, 3X, and 10X their revenues via #InboundMarketing.