How We Are Stuck Inside This Worthless Concept Of “ Gender Roles”.

Abdul Rehman Khan.
7 min readJan 13, 2022


As a part of society, we have heard a lot of unnecessary, worthless & irrelevant concepts about a lot of things one of which is “Gender roles”. Gender roles are a very Common and generalized concept that has to change and it is necessary to talk over such matter that is manipulating the minds of the young generation. By the time, human minds are evolved and their minds are vast and wide open now and they do not believe in gender roles now but there are still some people who believe in gender roles. This article is a detailed explanation of what are gender roles? What are Gender Stereotypes? How to avoid Gender stereotypes and much more. So let's dive into this without any further ado…

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

What are Gender Roles?

So for those who have minor information about this topic, let me tell you that

The expectation of society is a set of ideas from a person on how he talks, how he behaves, how he dresses, & how they present themselves based on their Gender is called Gender roles.

Let me make it easy for you, Consider an example of a girl, a girl is expected to be kind, soft-hearted, sexually inexperienced, sensitive & is expected to manage the household, & emotional whereas on the other hand a man is expected to be aggressive, strong, away from managing the household, sexually experienced & not to be emotional etc.

How does society accept a man and a woman?

Society accepts a man to be strong, society does not accept that type of guy who shows his emotions very easily or cannot control his emotions. A man is only expected to be aggressive, not to be kind, strong and if the guy doesn’t meet all the expectations of society then this society will be pointing their fingers at his “Masculinity”. Consider an example that if a man doesn’t go to work, what he does is stay at home and watch over his kids and look over his house, that's my question to you, Will this society accept that kind of man. I think NO, NEVER.

Now comes a part of how society accepts women, What is the role of women in the perception of this so-called society. According to this toxic society, a woman job is to look over her kids, look over her husband, look over her house, to be kind, to be nutritious, she is not allowed to be independent if she is independent, I don’t think so that this society will accept that type of girl. Well, actually I don’t know much about the western area but here, where I live in a place where society does not see such types of women with good intentions who are independent and live their life freely. There are some people who don’t think in that way as the majority does. The role of a woman is to be shy and she is expected to be household oriented according to this so-called society that is drowning in the river of toxicity and hate.

What are Gender stereotypes?

Stereotypes that we may have heard in our daily life is unpopular and unnecessary opinion that is generalized and everyone believes in that.
Just like other stereotypes, there is the thing which is known as Gender stereotypes. Now, what are gender stereotypes? An unpopular opinion about men and women that is generalized is that men and women have to act and behave in a particular manner. For instance, Men are only supposed to handle the finances of the house, do the major works of the house whereas women cannot do such things because it is not a women’s role to support the house financially, to stay away from major matters and works of the house. Now if we talk about occupations then it is a very generalized stereotype that a Pilot, Engineer or sports person can only be a man, women cannot do these things whereas women can be nurses, doctors & teachers.

Another stereotype is that a house can only be financially supported by a man is a stereotype with which I Disagree. It is important for both men and women to support their households financially and be independent.

There is also a very interesting or you can say a weird gender stereotype that pink is a girl's colour and blue is a boy colour, like who tf decided that shit???

How to fight against these Gender stereotypes?

Well, there are some ways that will be helpful in stopping these Gender stereotypes. The most effective way to put an end to gender stereotypes is to talk over this matter like I do and I am sure that there are millions of people out there who are trying to resolve this matter trying to end it. This is what exactly you have to do, talk over Gender stereotypes, write an article, or talk with someone face to face who support these Gender stereotypes & try to educate them in a decent way and try to spread as much awareness as you can and be living example for someone.












































Now everything that I mentioned above is completely researched-based but now I will talk about how I feel about this issue. Everything that I have mentioned above is someone else’s perceptions but now I will present my perception, my side of the story.

What is the actual role of men and women in society? (according to my perception)

Men are Women have a certain role to play but I do not disagree with some of the gender stereotypes like:

Men are stronger than women, you cannot disagree with the fact that men have more power than women, now it depends upon that man how he uses his power.

Most people who say let men and women wear whatever they want, it’s okay, I respect their opinion but wouldn’t it be weird if you see women in a three-piece suit or wouldn’t it be weird if you see a man wearing a frock or a dress or whatever girls wear. Man and women in each others cothes looked like mental patients. Wearing clothes of the opposite gender won’t make you cool but you will look like a patient who has a mental disorder and one who doesn’t know what to wear and whatnot.

Women are kind and men are aggressive is another stereotype that I agree with. Look, you cannot deny the fact that women are sweeter and men have that aggressive insect stick up deep into their a**es. It is in the nature of a girl to be kind, it is not her role or duty to be kind and loving every time. It is in the nature of a girl to be emotional but there is nothing wrong with a girl controlling her emotions. Similarly, It is in the nature of a man to be aggressive but it is not his role or duty to always be aggressive. It is no big deal if he sometimes tries to be kind to everyone.

Ditch the Society…

It is a famous saying in Urdu language:

کچھ تو لوگ کہیں گے لوگو کا کام ہے کہنا

Which means:
People will say something, It is in the nature of people to criticize.

Live your life on your own terms. You are not dependent on anyone. live your life all by yourself. You should do what you think is right for yourself and don’t let any idiot spoil you.
There are a lot of people in a society that criticize men if he does something which favours the women and women if she does something that is not expected from them by society… If you are someone who does criticize people about what they do based on their gender then you are a toxic person. There is a famous saying that I think will be suitable for these kinds of criticizing freaks:

Live & Let Live…

Man & Women are made for each other.

To my Perception, Gender roles are also affecting marriages or relationships. If a man in a marriage believes in Gender roles then he will never help his wife in any of his households and similarly, if a woman believes in Gender roles then she also does not help her man in managing the finances of their houses…
“This is my perception…”

Man and Women are made for each other's betterment…

This article is mostly researched based and it includes a bit of my perception, how think about this issue. I think that it is an important topic to talk about so I did that. If I made any mistakes then do correct me and tell me about how you think about this issue.

There are some links that may be useful or helpful for you to understand this issue…,polite%2C%20accommodating%2C%20and%20nurturing.

If you find this article somehow useful and you have made it this far then please consider following me, that would mean a lot to me…

I’m out…




Abdul Rehman Khan.

I write stuff on medium. Sharing my learnings and perspectives on different things is some thin’ I like to do. Follow me If my profile somehow fascinates you.