Porn Addiction!!!

Abdul Rehman Khan.
5 min readJan 4, 2022


Porn is something that is manipulating the lives of teenagers and affecting them so much. It is important to talk over such a topic to spread some awareness to save the lives of those who are suffering from the addiction of watching pornography. So let's get into it without any further ado…

Photo by franco alva on Unsplash

Getting into some sort of addiction isn’t good at all. Porn addiction is harmful and disturbing. At first, you really enjoy watching all that stuff related to porn but at a certain point, there comes the stage where you don’t want to watch porn but you also can’t stop yourself from watching it, WHY? Let me tell you why this is because you get so much into it that now you cannot quit it… Addiction, whether it is porn addiction or some sort of other addiction like drug addiction, it always kills you from the inside. The minds of those who are addicted to porn are manipulated. Watching porn will automatically force you to je*k off and that act of comfort will cause you the happiness of a few moments but with that act of comfort, you will slowly have the feeling of grief, misery and sorrow.

Signs Of Porn Addiction:

Following are some signs and some symptoms that confirm that you are a complete porn addict.

Can’t stop watching it:

When you are addicted to something, you kept on doing that thing again and again. Similarly when you become a porn addict then it is very difficult for you to quit and you kept on watching it. Whenever you are free, whenever you have time, you just jump into some random porn site and started doing your thing. In simple words. you cannot stop watching porn when you become an addict until and unless you are really done with it.

Losing Interest in Sex:

One of the signs of porn addiction is that you lose interest in your real sex life because now you are just satisfied with watching porn and nothing else can satisfy you.

Losing interest in your partner:

Porn is ruining marriages and relationships. If you are a porn addict then you may not be satisfied with your partner because what you want is some satisfaction that your partner cannot give you and you became sexually frustrated.

Start having Anger issues:

When you watch too much porn you started having anger issues. You get angry and upset about minor things. When you start watching too much porn then your anger is not in your hands and you just get out of control whenever you are angry. In simple words, you have no control over yourself when you are angry and that is because of watching too much porn.

You craved for something new:

When you watch too much porn, then normal porn doesn't satisfy you. Now want something new, Something extreme, something that is very unique.
And when you don’t get what you wanted, you get frustrated and that frustration will affect your mental health.

Note: If you want to see more of these signs and symptoms of porn addiction then visit this link:-

Harms Of Watching Porn:

Watching Porn will be harmful to your mental & physical health. Some harms that porn can cause you are:
. You have Anger issues.
. You became Weak and lazy.
. Frequently Je*rking off will lead to sexual dysfunction in both men and women.
. You'll be distracted each and every time.
. Your mind will be Manipulated and you will not be satisfied with your Partner.
. Your sexual health will come to zero.
. You will start having pain in your body when you ejaculate very frequently.
. You became very violent and frustrated towards your sexual intercourse with your partner.

What is the reality of Porn?:

The reality of porn is that none of it is real. Each and everything that you see inside a 40 or 50-minute porn video is scripted and it is all fake. A former Pornstar speaks about the reality of porn videos in her interview.
Even pornstars themselves say that porn is not real and it is far far away from reality. Porn is just a fantasy.

How to stop watching porn:

Well, there are several ways to quit watching pornography and I have mentioned below some of them that I think are more efficient, & are more helpful.

Try meditation:

Meditation will help you out of getting rid of this porn addiction. A 5-minutes meditation, the exchange of air through your lungs, the relaxation of those 5-min meditation has a calming effect on you and you feel relaxed and free.

Engage in some physical activity:

Physical activity like playing sports, jogging, walking, gyming, & running etc will help you to quit pornography. Physical activity will trigger the happiness and positivity inside you and it will help you to stay away from such negative things.

Have a better company:

Always try to sit in the better company because you are the reflection of the type of people whom you are sitting with. Never sit with those who support or appreciate you on your negative things but sit with those who encourage you and help you to be a good person and help you to stay away from negativity.

Get surrounded by people:

Always try to be surrounded by people because the more you try to be in public, there will be more chance that you will not watch porn because one can only watch porn alone not in the presence of someone.

Install porn blocker in your device:

Installing a porn blocker on your device will help you to stay away from pornography. Whenever you open a porn site on your device, with the presence of that porn blocker, you will not be able to access the porn site.

If you want to know more efficient ways to stop watching pornography then I just put some links below and I think that they would be helpful:


Remember that you can only quit watching porn if you are really done with it and you really want to quit it. Those instructions that are mentioned above are only helpful to you if you are the one who wants to quit pornography by all his heart. Quit pornography and live your life with some principles and enjoy your life. Don’t waste your life on these idle things.

Set free and be fearless

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

This article of mine is to spread some awareness about pornography and how it is ruining our society, marriages, relationships, & ruining the lives of a lot of people. Correct me if you find any mistakes in this article of mine and do consider following me too as well because that would mean a lot to me. That’s it… I’m out…




Abdul Rehman Khan.

I write stuff on medium. Sharing my learnings and perspectives on different things is some thin’ I like to do. Follow me If my profile somehow fascinates you.