Racism & Discrimination Of Some Individuals.

Abdul Rehman Khan.
4 min readDec 26, 2021


Photo by Rolande PG on Unsplash

Racism is discrimination that can be found in every part of the world. This article is about Racism which is one of the most Dominant social issues and it is important to talk about this matter. So without any further ado, let's get into it…


Racism which is also known as racialism is an act of discrimination by an individual or any group of people against someone on the basis of their race, ethnicities, skin tone & their religion which can be witnessed in every part of the world. Most people face Racism on the basis of their skin colour. There are a lot of regions in the world where people with a white skin tone consider black people someone Filthy. Whereas in African countries where the majority is of Black people and they bully those who have the white skin colour.

Some cases of racism:

There are a lot of cases in the world and a few of them I have mentioned here. If you want to know more about them click on this link.https://www.vox.com/2016/8/10/12423474/baltimore-police-justice-department-racism

1) What brings your Black ass here.

In 2010 an African-American man said that he had witnessed an officer using excessive force for an arrest and punching a fourteen-year-old kid who was filming the arrest on his phone. When that man go to report against those officers, he found those same officers there and they told him that “what brings your black ass back here?” and “you can take your black ass down to Kirk Avenue before the bus leaves because you know how you black people like the bus.”

2) Shoved an Old lady against the wall.

Back in 2012, there was a lady who was shoved against the wall when she refused an officer to go to the basement. When she refused an officer, he shoved her against the wall and said “Bitch, you ain’t no better than any of the other old black bitches I have locked up.”

3) George Floyd case.

Who is not familiar with this case when back in 2020, some police officers choked a black man after beating him. That man name is George Floyd who was first beaten and then choked to death by a police officer in Chicago. Before the death, the last words of George Floyd are “Mama, mama, mama!, Please, man, You’re going to kill me, man!, I can’t believe this, Tell my kids I love them, I’m dead, I can’t breathe!”.

(Note: All of these cases that I mentioned above are completely based upon my research. If you think something is not correct then please do correct me. )

Black lives matter too!!!:

After that George Floyd case, the hashtag “Black lives matter” started trending all over social media and until now it is still a trend. And there is no denying that Black live matter too and they have the right to live their live’s with freedom.

Why do we hate people with a black skin tone? :

There are a lot of people among us or even someone who is reading this article who disrespect, black people. Body shaming, Racism, Commenting on someone’s skin colour or their physical appearance or making fun of that thing is the worst thing that one can do. Well, there is a thing that why do we hate people with the black skin colour. I know that most of us do not think the same way as the racist do but why is this happening. Why we are disrespecting those who naturally have the black skin tone??? According to me, there is an issue in bringing up a child. Hate is not natural but love is. A child with a white skin tone love the child with a black skin tone and have a bond with him but that same kid when he/she turns into an adult started hating that same black kid who once they love. So where is the issue? It is simply that it is in bringing up of a child. Mostly Parents are the ones that told their kids to not talk or sit with black people or someone with different culture or ethnicity or someone with a different religion.

Stop Racism:

As an individual what we can do to stop racism and discrimination against certain people? As I mentioned above that we should give proper knowledge to our kids that no one has influence over others. You should tell your kids from a young age to love each & every kind of person whether they are white or black. It doesn’t matter whether the other person belongs to any religion, any ethnicity, tell your kids that they should love them and respect them from a very young age. Only that way we can end Racism in Society. There is a famous saying of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person.

This article is written to spread some awareness and if I made any mistake then please do correct me. If this article is somehow helpful for you and if this article somehow fascinates you then consider following me because that would mean the world to me. Thank you. Peace!

I’m out…



Abdul Rehman Khan.

I write stuff on medium. Sharing my learnings and perspectives on different things is some thin’ I like to do. Follow me If my profile somehow fascinates you.