Business English training program to Become Language Trainers for Professionals

3 min readMay 12, 2017


More than 1.8 billion people today around the world speak English as a language, whether as a First language or as a Second language. And more than anything else, it is mainly due to political reasons that today English is the most widely spoken language and has attended the status of ‘lingua franca’.Also, due to its simplicity and versatility (various English words have been borrowed from Germanic and Romance Language groups); English was adopted by most people who started residing in the new countries like the USA. Another reason that led to the global spread of English is due to the British colonisation in the central and East, in countries like India and Africa. During this period of time, English started to peep into the culture of these nations as it began to be used by the upper and influential people of these nations.

Since then English has experienced major adaptations by various non-English speaking nations. In today’s modern world, English has been started to be vastly used in fields of Science, Technology and Business and Finance and has officially become the international language used in trade and business. As business expands with the passage of time, so has the need for knowing the professional way of communicating in English with different business partners, clients or stake holders. Top Multinational companies and even smaller organisations in most of the non-English speaking countries have made English as their main language of communication. To survive in these global organisations and in the corporate market, have a flourishing career and gain knowledge in the process, knowing the ways to communicate in English, both verbally and written is quite essential.
According to Hyland (2009), Business English refers to “language research and instruction and focuses on the specific communicative needs and practices of particular social groups.” English communication in the professional world is different from the General English that is used on a day-to-day basis. It is precise, compact and often to-the-point.
Those who are fluent in English language, know it in-and-out with focus on grammar, phonetics, syntax, etc. and are interested to train professionals working in various sectors on their communication and presentation skills, at the same time get the opportunity to travel according to the requirements of their job, must certainly think of a career in Business English training. However, in order to excel in this field of profession, one need to know the nuances of the ways of communicating in English in the professional world as well as know the ways of dealing with adults, which is totally different from teaching Young learners; therefore enrolling for a training program from a well certified training institute on the same is absolutely essential.
As the people are hired by the organisations, their prime objective will be to let them take as well as convey information, both verbally (face-to-face or over the phone) and in writing (through emails or fax) to others, both in and outside the organisation, be able to contribute in discussions during meetings, prepare presentations, and many other skills, along with an upright and confident attitude. To become proficient in the above discussed features pushes these prospective employees towards Business English training classes. Learners in these classes also are sent by their current employers so as to improve their communication skills on various levels.
Business English trainers are expected to work on the English communication skills with these professionals belonging from varied work sectors like from engineering, human resource, accountant and others. The aspiring trainers are trained during programs to meet the specific needs of the learners and be able to meet their needs and expectations towards their gradual improvement in their communication skills.
Business English can therefore be termed as that which “in theory (is) nothing, in practice a great deal” (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987). Hence training on the same will not only enable the aspiring trainers to gain competence in the concerned area and build their self-confidence but also will ensure that they have a long-lasting successful career in the future, whether they work independently or with any organisation.

