Psychological Principles Learnt Through Primary Teacher Training

3 min readJan 22, 2018


Children typically learn by imitation and this is a well known fact. The manner in which a teacher presents himself/ herself, in an intellectual and physical approach, their mannerisms, handwriting, and aesthetic sense, all of these aspects have a long lasting impression in developing the personalities of the pupils. A primary teacher training in Delhi is a good place to start learning about the psychology behind this behavior.

Here is an example to consider– A teacher who is polite in his way of talking has a great influence on the pupils who unconsciously imbibe the behavior. Similarly, one who unintentionally rambles while writing on the chalkboard also passes on a negative trait to the students who develop the feeling that it is okay to ramble while writing. A teacher should ideally practice what he preaches and avoid mannerisms that can be upsetting towards the pupils. The integrity, equilibrium, and principles that a teacher follows play a significant role in developing the student’s personalities in the classroom.

Perceptions of others, perception of roles, self concept, and interactions serve as sources of major concerns in the personality development of a student. Teachers also need to take into consideration that different students come to school from different family backgrounds and social environments which are major influencing factors in the development of stable, healthy, balanced, and well integrated personalities. Simultaneously, he cannot ignore the influence exhibited by external forces. By providing a relaxed and stimulating environment in the classroom with complete scope for all-round development, avoiding double standards, and setting good examples, teachers can help in the development of stable and healthy personalities among the students. A nursery teacher training course can prove beneficial in helping a teacher determine how to go about creating a suitable environment for the students in the classroom.

The teachers in nursery school also play the role of motivators. Motivation enhances the rate and quality of learning. The teacher is required to adopt various techniques in order to fulfill the cognitive, emotional, and physical needs of their students. With a comfortable physical environment in place, the emotional and physical needs of self-esteem, love, and respect can be achieved. Teachers need to be creative and innovative while selecting the suitable learning experiences for the students.

Counseling is another important role of the teachers. Children face many challenging situations and problems in life over the course of their development as they are faced with a number of complicated decisions. In moments such as these, teachers can play the role of counselors. They typically have a thorough understanding of the capacities possessed by their pupils and carry the concerns over their futures. Teachers also need to be well equipped with the relevant information that would suggest the proper course of action. In case of children who have learning disabilities or those who fail to achieve the desired levels of success, the teacher should be able to diagnose the problem and suggest proper measures for remedy. At times, a consultation with the parents may also be required if the teachers feels that there is a need to listen to their viewpoints before offering their own ideas. Primary teacher training in Delhi helps to produce desired results in all of these aspects.

Psychological principles centered on the learner provide a framework on which to incorporate and develop the new designs for schooling components. These principles are an emphasis on the reflective and active nature of the learners and their learning. The natural curiosity, higher order thinking, and creativity possessed by the learner contribute to motivating them to learn better. Fundamental motivation is stimulated by tasks of optimal difficulty and novelty which are relevant to personal interests and provides for personal control and choice.

