Ditching the Perfectionist Drama: 7 UX Design Life Hacks

Nick Mann
5 min readSep 19, 2023


If you've ever found yourself stuck in the endless loop of "just one more tweak" or "it's not perfect yet," you're in the right place.

Perfectionism can be a sneaky little gremlin, especially in the world of UX design. But fear not! We've got seven handy tips to help you kick that perfectionist habit to the curb. Let's dive in!

1. Permit Yourself to Create Junk

Think back to the early days of Twitter. It started as "twttr," a far cry from the polished platform we know today. So, why not embrace the same spirit? Slap a stickie on your workspace with affirmations like:

“Ship it halfway done”

“It’ll never be perfect”

“Stop negotiating with yourself”

2. Set a Timer for All Your Tasks

Imagine turning your design process into a game show segment of "Beat the Clock." You've got 20 minutes to draft a homepage layout.

The ticking clock adds a fun challenge and forces you to prioritize and make decisions faster. And who knows? You could come up with your best ideas under that pressure.

3. Break Up Your Tasks into Bite-sized Pieces

Ever tried devouring a whole pizza in one go? Not only is it messy, but it's also overwhelming.

The same goes for design tasks. Instead of staring at a massive project, slice it into manageable tasks. Before you know it, you'll have consumed the whole thing, one delicious piece at a time.

4. Do the Hardest Thing First

Recall that one subject in school you always dreaded. What relief do you feel once it is over? Apply the same principle here.

Dive into the most challenging design task first. The satisfaction and momentum you gain from conquering it will propel you through the rest of your day.

5. Time Block Your Calendar

Imagine your day as a playlist. You wouldn't shuffle epic movie soundtracks with calming meditation tunes, right?

Similarly, group similar tasks together in your schedule. This way, you're not constantly switching mental gears and can dive deep into each "genre" of work.

6. The ONE Big Thing Technique

Remember the joy of focusing on building that one epic LEGO set as a kid without distractions?

Recreate that feeling. Each day, pick one primary design task and give it your all. The depth and quality of work you'll achieve will be worth it.

7. Batch Similar Tasks Together

Think of this as creating a design recipe. You wouldn't chop an onion, fry it, then go back to chop a tomato.

Group similar tasks and tackle them in batches. It's efficient, and you'll be in the groove, making the process almost effortless.

Quick Recap

1. Embrace the Junk

2. Be a timer champion

3. Slice and dice tasks

4. Face the big bad wolf first

5. Block it like it's hot

6. One task is to rule them all

7. Batch, don't patch

FAQ: Navigating the Tricky Waters of Perfectionism in UX Design

Q1: So, are you saying perfection is overrated?
A: Aiming for the stars is excellent, but sometimes you must catch a cloud. Perfection can be a sneaky trap. Aim for excellence, but remember, there's beauty in the "almost perfect," too.

Q2: How do I tell if my design's ready to see the world?
A: If your design's ticking off the main goals and making users smile (or at least not frown), it's showtime! Remember, real-world feedback beats imaginary flaws any day.

Q3: Won't people think I'm slacking if I ship "half-baked" designs?
A: Nah! Think of it as serving an appetizer before the main course. It's a taste, a teaser. You're golden as long as you're all ears for feedback and ready to jazz things up.

Q4: Criticism stings. How do I deal without my perfectionist shield?
A: Think of criticism as those spicy notes in a dish — it adds flavor! It's not about you; it's about making the design even tastier. Chew on the feedback, spit out the irrelevant bits, and savor the valuable stuff.

Q5: Mistakes freak me out. What's the antidote?
A: Hey, even the best chefs sometimes over-salt the soup. Mistakes are just nature's saying, "Here's a lesson on the house!" Embrace, learn, and move on.

Q6: How do I get my team on the "It's okay to be imperfect" train?
A: Share the wisdom! It could be over a coffee break or a virtual hangout. Toss in some real-world examples, perhaps even this article. Who knows, they might buy the next round of coffee!

Q7: What if my "ONE big thing" for the day still feels too big?
A: Break it down, disco style! Turn that one big mammoth task into smaller, groovy dance steps. Before you know it, you'll be moonwalking your way to completion.

7-Day 'Ditch the Perfection' Challenge

Alright, design fans, here's a spicy challenge for you! Over the next week, I dare you to tackle one of these daily tips. That's right, just one a day.

By the end of the week, you'll have a fresh perspective, some cool designs, and a few fun stories to share.

Here's how it rolls:

  • Day 1: Create something you think is "junky." Yep, let those creative juices flow without the perfectionist filter.
  • Day 2: Set that timer and design on the clock. Feel the adrenaline!
  • Day 3: Got a big task? Slice it up like your favorite pie and tackle a piece.
  • Day 4: Dive headfirst into that task you've been avoiding. You got this!
  • Day 5: Time-block your day. It's like Tetris, but with tasks.
  • Day 6: Zero in on that ONE big thing. Make it shine!
  • Day 7: Batch those tasks. It's like a design assembly line.

Once you're done, shout it from the digital rooftops! Share your experiences, designs, and even a few bloopers on social media. Use the hashtag #DitchThePerfection to join in the fun and cheer you on.

Your journey might inspire someone else to embrace the beautifully imperfect design world!

Sneak peek on the new podcast art cover of the UX Growth Podcast
Sneak peek on the new podcast art cover of the UX Growth Podcast

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Nick Mann

UX & Product Designer and Host of The UX Growth Podcast