The book that was not supposed to be written

Answers to the questions your soul wants you to ask

11 min readOct 11, 2021
Photo by Alex Boyd on Unsplash

In this book, I will attempt to give you everything. All the so-called secrets that lie behind the mirrors, that make up the facade, of what most people call this reality. All the knowledge of the initiates, that is hidden in secrecy — behind doors that you have closed and locked yourself. All that you have to know to enter into a completely new paradigm of thinking, knowing and being. Use this knowledge wisely and great things will come your way.

What is the value of a human being?

That’s an impossible question to answer. How about the question of how the value of a human being is determined? That’s better.

What would you say? The value of a human being for the community is determined by how much he/she does for the community. But how about the general value of a person?

It is determined by the values of that person. There are two different types of values:

  • Inner values — values that you hold true to yourself like e.g. honesty, integrity, humility and mastery
  • Outer values — what you create in the world. The people you impact, the skills you have, the wealth and lifestyle you create for yourself and your family, …

Cultivate those two wisely. For in the end, when inner and outer values are continuously practiced, in a focussed manner that is targeted towards mastery, success will be inevitable. Success is nothing more than doing the things you are good at repeatedly in service of your customer.

When cultivating other values, never forget that this world is constantly changing. While inner values will be strengthened with time, and you will get better and experience them richer, outer values will follow the natural rhythm of this planet and your own. Therefore, don’t get too attached to them during any of the up or down phases.

Nothing is real

All that lies on the outside is to be seen as nothing but a mere illusion. As a game that is played. All objects are purely to be seen as means for spiritual progress — or as a distraction of such progress.

When you experience any sort of emotion as a result of an event that happens outside yourself, it is crucial to note that you have created it. Not necessarily the event itself — the event can have many reasons to occur. But the emotion that you are experiencing — the emotion is created by yourself. You are creating 100% of the experience of this reality yourself.

This can be closely observed in meditation. For any feeling that arises, one can consciously choose to experience the opposing feeling, or any feeling that one has access to, within ones own mind-body-spirit complex. This is due to free will.

This exercise will allow you to become free from the endless chain of events and your emotional reaction to them — instead, it will allow you to always, no matter what, choose the emotional response yourself within your field of awareness that you call your body.

Practice this wisely and continuously as it will free you from the chains of this world and anchor you in something that is true. Something energetic that lies behind the facade. Something that is real, calm and loving. Not fake, ever-changing and all sorts of emotions.

Anchor in a frequency behind the facade

In meditation, you may experience the following:

Choose a particular frequency that you want to experience. Let’s use bliss as an example, as it is perfect for the purpose of this demonstration.

As you summon bliss and align your vibration with the vibration of bliss that you have summoned, you will feel that you have a cap at a certain level. Suddenly, something stops you from further alignment to bliss, and you instead stagnate.

This is a natural process.

But now notice, that the feeling of bliss is still present. Notice that, if you expand your energy or space of awareness by the means of a conscious choice to do so, you still have access to bliss as well as that feeling of hindrance from further alignment. Notice, that you have automatically, by default, focussed on that feeling of hindrance and thereby on the facade — and then make a conscious choice to instead focus again on that feeling of bliss. And you will see that you can rise further, align your energy further until you yet again lose focus and focus on the facade, that is in this instance presenting itself to you as a limitation.

Play with this. You will be amazed how many of your problems and challenges are only a misplacement of focus onto the facade — and not on the reality of infinite potential. Allow those challenges and obstacles to melt away in the light of infinite potential. Simply stop holding onto them and, instead, holding true the truth of the infinite potential that lies behind.

Is it real?

To the uninitiated, the question may arise: Is all this real? Is there really a non-dual realm behind this duality? Can our soul really live on after the body dies? Is it really possible to experience complete unity with all?

The answer is yes.

This, however, may be seen as unsatisfactory and hard to believe to the uninitiated. Therefore, the pat of direct experience is the best means for spiritual progress.

How? The uninitiated might ask.

It is to be noted that when I say initiated, I do not refer to any specific cult or organization. I simply mean an initiation that is given by spirit, by source directly. It is a bond between all initiates that does not exist in the seen but in the unseen.

The way to the initiation is awe. Awe for creation. And a dire dedication to the way of truth. These values have to be practiced in every second, with every breath. For every breath is a reason for awe and wonderment — if you choose to drop labelling it “I am breathing” and instead really focus on directly experiencing the thing that is happening. The feelings and the aliveness that comes with it. This will allow you to, once again, experience this planet. For from the day that the child learns the word “ocean”, it will never see the ocean again, but instead merely a mental image, a label of that one thing that once was wonderment.

Furthermore, meditation is the tool of choice for the initiate. During meditation, the student will learn to let go of the chatter of the mind which holds up the facade — and thereby penetrate the fine wall of this reality into something greater. That way, he will be able to let duality behind and experience the very thing that all enlightened masters were trying to describe. The one experience that can not be put into words, but can only be experienced.

Now what?

Once the seeker, the initiate, has experienced that indeed, it is himself that he recognizes in everything that happens, life might seem to become meaningless. Dull. If all I ever see is myself, what life such a long life? One might ask.

This period where life seems meaningless can be overcome by the next, natural step: Service to others. And mastery.

Service to others is what ultimately provides you and others with value and makes life worth living.

The initiate thereby always pays close attention to not infringe onto the free will of the other person — but to merely invite and offer assistance.

The initiate is keenly aware not to reveal any knowledge to people that they are not ready for. He always lives his truth, shares humility, joy and gratitude wherever he goes, but he may hide any knowledge the other person is not ready for.

The initiate also practices mastery. What is the difference between a master and a student?

The student tries to become the master. He is somewhere on his journey and tries to be somewhere else.

The master, however, never practices to get somewhere, but he practices to practice. To practice it perfectly. He practices to learn, get better and get to know himself better. He has mastered the art of being an eternal student.

In this way, the initiate is also thriving to master the way he found. In every breath, every interaction and every non-interaction he thrives to recognize the divine plan and chooses to serve it selflessly for the greatest good of all. Thereby he becomes a shepherd to all people and a guardian of this world.

Everything has its energy

One thing that is important to know is that everything that exists has its own energy. Therefore, it has its own consciousness and purpose.

It is crucial to learn how to interact with all these beings on your plane in order to live in harmony with them. A piece of clothing might serve the purpose of making you look good — or reminding a person of a certain occasion. That insight into the purpose of everything is not for you to decide but can only be obtained by asking directly to the consciousness of that object, animal, plant, planet or universe.

All is alive and all is connected. Talk to them. Build a relationship. Find peace and a harmonious coexistence on the beautiful gem called earth.

Questions and answers

How do I know that I am on the right spiritual path?

The right spiritual path is one that brings you to the end of spiritual development on this earth. The end is the point where you return, come back to your old reality to see everything in an entirely new light.

The right spiritual path also recognizes life as a scale that reaches all the way from what you consider negative emotions like fear, anger and hate to the highest experience of bliss, love and unity within this reality, thereby always reflecting accurately the level of alignment of each incarnated soul. It recognizes that every incarnated sou moves through the entire scale as needed during its life therefore the right spiritual path refuses to play the game of dividing everything into good and bad. It is simply a reflection of your level of alignment.

The right spiritual path also makes you stronger during times of struggle or challenge. A weak path will make you lose hope — the right path will make you gain trust even more.

How do I find the right teacher?

You will know when the time has come. As the saying goes: When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I want to help people so badly. Many of them are suffering and have lost their way. How can I do that?

If you are saying that, you are in no place to help. This statement is entirely created by the ego.

The will to help, in this case, might come from an inner feeling of guilt. It might feel like a calling from your own karma or the inner feeling that you have to pay off debts that you have created earlier in your journey as a soul. That is why there is such urgency. Or it might be entirely created by the ego. You can inquire about that during your meditation.

People did not lose their way. Every soul is exactly on the journey that it set out to be on. The end goal of every life will be reached without failure.

This planet might look chaotic and on the verge of falling apart, however, on another level is it a perfectly harmonious mirror of the collective consciousness of every single incarnated soul. Just like a beehive is the perfect representation of every single bee and the group consciousness of the entire swarm of bees.

You are in no place to judge another soul journey based on your limited brain and your ego.

One day the sun will fade, and then this earth will be a cold, lifeless stone anyway. Choose the light and highest possible vibration in each second. Suffering for other people or judging their soul journey is not a wise use of our precious life.

Note: Some souls feel the pain and suffering that is created by other incarnated selves or is experienced by the planet. Learn to recognize this but do not suffer as well, for there is nothing good that will come from that. If you are bleeding, you don’t want the doctor to start bleeding as well — you want him to be professional, compassionate and offer you a helping hand. Without infringing on your free will. The same applies to souls that choose to suffer from the pain created by other people. Hence, that statement above, “Suffering for other people […] it not a wise use of our precious life.“

Sometimes I lose hope and lose my way. What do I do?

Find it again.

That is the only thing we can do. We are human and we are playing this game of hide-and-seek with ourselves for a reason. A reason that cannot be put into words. If you ever lose something nonphysical and you want it back, simply choose its vibration, align with it and it will be yours.

Another person (spouse, family, friend, colleague) is hindering me in my spiritual progress. How do I deal with that?

That statement does not make any sense for nobody can hinder you except you yourself.

A trained initiate can find love and compassion everywhere — in war, on a crowded marketplace, in nature and even in your family.

If you feel like somebody or something is hindering you, go within. All answers can only be found within. Remember that this thing is meaningless and that you have assigned the meaning to it yourself. Then, choose to give it a different meaning.

When entering a relationship, another level of complexity may apply: Now you and your partner have created a new energy field that is called “we”. “We” has its own energy (meaning it is a mixture between your energy, your partner’s and something completely new, its own dynamic) and therefore it also has its own consciousness and will. It has its own purpose and mission. It is only wise to make choices in such a manner that satisfies all 3 beings, you, your partner and “we”. To do so, you have to stand firmly in your values, have a strong anchor in the vibration you want to embody and then make a choice.

Not all “we”, not all relationships, are created with the purpose of the highest spiritual alignment and growth. Therefore, they sometimes may be uncreated to be recreated with a different other self, meaning a different partner, and therefore also a different intention and “we”.

I sometimes do not have all the answers. Where can I find them?

Inside you.

Close your eyes. Take a breath. Align your vibration to the vibration of higher knowledge and wisdom, and just know. Know what is true. All the answers are right before you, you just need to claim them — humble and with gratitude.

It can also help to breathe into and connect to your heart before doing so.

I see progress, but I want to progress faster. How can I do so?

There is no time. Therefore, it does not make any sense to be faster. Why would you want that?

Faster, on this material plane, means that you will die sooner.

This planet is pretty, stunning, breathtaking and crazy.

Don’t try to be faster. Instead, learn how to enjoy the journey. Feel the pain, frustration and bliss all as part of this mysterious thing called life that is flowing through you and, like sand in your hands, will soon slip away without leaving a trace behind.

As it was once said by a very wise man: “When the work is done, it is forgotten. That’s why it is eternal”

If this has helped you, take a breath to say thanks. To the one infinite source, that has created all and has presented itself to you through this book.

Also, see if your heart wants to share it with some other body, some other self. It will help them and it will help you.

Much Love.

Note: This book came to me late at night. I do not consider this to be channeled, but it was written in a state of meditation / flow / heightened awareness. Thus, the wording may sound a bit odd, however, I chose to leave it in its original version. Also, English is not my native language, so please apologize for any spelling / grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoyed it :)




Thinker. Explorer. Enjoying my life. Still young; still a beginner. From Germany, currently living in Ireland.