How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Job Losses in Businesses

manuel kuky
3 min readJan 26, 2024


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, decision making, and creativity. AI has been advancing rapidly in recent years, thanks to the availability of large amounts of data, powerful computing resources, and breakthroughs in algorithms. AI has been applied to various domains, such as healthcare, education, entertainment, finance, and manufacturing, to improve efficiency, quality, and innovation.

pic from adobe stock

However, AI also poses significant challenges and risks, especially for the labor market. Many experts and studies have warned that AI could replace or displace millions of workers in the near future, as machines become more capable and cheaper than humans. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, AI and automation could eliminate 75 million jobs by 2022, while creating 133 million new ones. However, the new jobs may not match the skills, locations, or preferences of the displaced workers, creating a skills gap and a social problem.

The impact of AI on job losses is not uniform across sectors, regions, or occupations. Some sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation, are more vulnerable to automation than others, such as education, health, and arts. Some regions, such as Asia and Africa, are more exposed to job losses than others, such as Europe and North America. Some occupations, such as routine, low-skill, and low-wage jobs, are more likely to be replaced by machines than others, such as complex, high-skill, and high-wage jobs.

The implication of AI on job losses is not only a matter of quantity, but also of quality. AI could affect not only the number of jobs, but also the nature, content, and conditions of work. AI could change the tasks, skills, and competencies required for workers, as well as the wages, benefits, and security they receive. AI could also alter the relationships, interactions, and values of workers, employers, customers, and society. AI could create new forms of work, such as gig work, remote work, and crowd work, as well as new challenges, such as ethical dilemmas, privacy issues, and social isolation.

pic from the japanese time

Therefore, AI is not only a technological phenomenon, but also a social, economic, and political one. AI has the potential to transform the world of work, for better or for worse, depending on how it is designed, developed, deployed, and regulated. AI could bring opportunities for growth, innovation, and inclusion, as well as risks for disruption, inequality, and exclusion. The future of work depends on the choices and actions of various stakeholders, such as governments, businesses, workers, educators, and civil society.

To mitigate the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts of AI on job losses, a holistic and proactive approach is needed. Some of the possible strategies and measures include:

  • Investing in education and training to equip workers with the skills and competencies needed for the new jobs and tasks created by AI, such as digital literacy, critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.
    - Providing social protection and support to workers who are displaced or affected by AI, such as unemployment benefits, income subsidies, career guidance, and retraining programs.
    - Promoting social dialogue and participation among workers, employers, and governments to ensure fair and transparent decision making, accountability, and representation in the design, development, deployment, and regulation of AI.
    - Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship to create new products, services, and markets that leverage the opportunities and address the challenges of AI, such as green technologies, inclusive platforms, and ethical solutions.
    - Ensuring ethical and human-centered principles and values in the development and use of AI, such as fairness, transparency, privacy, safety, and human dignity.
  • AI is a powerful and disruptive force that is reshaping the world of work. AI could have positive or negative implications for job losses, depending on how it is managed and governed. The future of work is not predetermined, but rather a result of collective choices and actions. Therefore, it is important to be aware, prepared, and engaged in the transition to the AI era.



manuel kuky

passionate about AI, technology, smartphones, block buster, aliens and horror films as well as pop culture and conspiracy theory