MapleStory N Sneak Peek! (1) Limited Supply Reward

MapleStory Universe
3 min readJul 2, 2024


MapleStory N’s Pioneer Test registration kicked off just yesterday, July 1, and it’s already catching the eye of lots of IP fans, MMORPG players and web3 gamers.

I know a lot of people are eager to dive into what MapleStory N has to offer with its first Pioneer Test.

Today, I’ll give you a sneak peek at one of the major changes we’ve made to the game system.

Limited Supply Reward System

Basically, it works like a real economy. MapleStory N limits the number of each item available, which helps not only maintain but also add their value by adjusting prices based on demand.

MapleStory N has set the total quantity and types of items you can get, categorized by type, level, and rarity. Instead of buying the items outright from the cash shop, you should play the game to obtain the items that are created in regular intervals. Items drop at regular intervals, and the same cycle applies even if the user has acquired all of the issued items.

Let’s take a closer look at the in-game screen so you can see how it all plays out!

Reward Dashboard

If you click the dashboard icon here, you can check how many items you have left that can be acquired through the content.

Reward Dashboard will allow you to look through the reward items left on each field or boss for the strategic gameplay. As you can see in the image below, the Rewards Dashboard shows the remaining amount of items available from Boss Clears and hunting in each Field and whether or not they are mintable.

*Actual Rewards may vary from the image above

On the contrary, if users are not strong enough to challenge the monster, the items that can be acquired during the period will be accumulated and the number of achieveable item would increase.

You can strategically choose monsters or bosses to hunt by utilizing dashboards actively to enjoy MapleStory N in your preferred style, whether it’s exploring fields with abundant items or experimenting with new item builds.

For those who can’t wait to get your hands on MapleStory N before anyone else — apply for the Pioneer Test today here!

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MapleStory Universe

MapleStory Universe, the first project to be serviced on NEXPACE, creates various tangible and intangible enhancements to the games experience utilizing NFTs.