MapleStory Universe Chooses Chainlink As Its Blockchain Infrastructure Provider for Games

MapleStory Universe
3 min readAug 23, 2023


We’re excited to announce that MapleStory Universe — Nexon’s NFT-centered blockchain games ecosystem — has chosen Chainlink as its Web3 infrastructure provider for games and is integrating Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF) to help power provably fair game experiences on its Polygon Supernet. Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform, and Chainlink VRF will play a critical role in helping power Maplestory Universe’s north star: The reward experience (RX).

What is MapleStory Universe?

An expansion of Nexon’s most widely recognized IP, MapleStory Universe is a virtual world ecosystem that creates a more immersive and engaging adventure with MapleStory NFTs as its core. MapleStory Universe marks the start of RX 2.0, which leverages blockchain technology to craft a unique MapleStory Universe experience defined by digital scarcity, open ecosystems, and community contributions.

The implementation of MapleStory Universe is a first for Nexon — rather than a single game, MapleStory Universe is a collection of four different experiences, each working together to supercharge an expansive virtual world that has the MapleStory IP at its center.

  1. MapleStory N — A brand-new MapleStory game that pioneers the RX 2.0 experience, defined by its cutting-edge NFT integrations with fixed-quantity item supplies.
  2. MapleStory N Mobile — The mobile version of MapleStory N, featuring seamless item and character interoperability with the aforementioned PC version N.
  3. MapleStory N Worlds — A sandbox platform for creators to easily create new MapleStory worlds, from unique jump quests to completely new game modes using MapleStory character, item, and map designs.
  4. MapleStory N SDK — A software development kit (SDK) enabling tailored MapleStory-themed experiences, including MapleStory-themed mobile apps. Purpose-built for developers to expand the MapleStory Universe.

How Chainlink Helps Power RX 2.0

Incepted after extensive research into the unique benefits of blockchain technology, MapleStory Universe aims to be at the forefront of RX and virtual worlds.

The foundational concept driving the development of MapleStory Universe is set amount of NFT items that, once depleted, will never exist again past their original supply. Combined with the cascade of MapleStory experiences built by creators, the supply of items in predetermined quantities will pave the way for a next-generation reward experience.

However, it’s not just the items that matter. How you win items is a critical component of the reward experience, and that’s where Chainlink VRF will come in.

As players traverse MapleStory Universe to win additional items, they want to know that the item experience is fair and unbiased. The integration of Chainlink VRF will be a key component of MapleStory Universe’s development by helping ensure a verifiably fair item generation experience.

In the long term, MapleStory Universe aims to evolve into a platform where many independent creators and contributors shape its landscape, rather than being the sole pioneer of all MapleStory Universe experience. To do so, we need to ingrain interoperability, fairness, and transparency into MapleStory Universe from the bottom up — and Chainlink VRF plays a critical part in realizing that vision.

“MapleStory Universe is built to pioneer the evolution of virtual worlds, which naturally led us to blockchain technology. But the implementation has to be just right, and Chainlink VRF is one of the best ways that we can show we’re committed to an ethos of decentralization and transparency for the upcoming MapleStory Universe. We’re excited to have chosen Chainlink as our blockchain services platform for the various contents to be contributed by creators.” — Sunyoung Hwang, Production Director / MapleStory Universe Project

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform. It has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, on-chain finance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink empowers developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting or reading the developer documentation at To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.



MapleStory Universe

MapleStory Universe, the first project to be serviced on NEXPACE, creates various tangible and intangible enhancements to the games experience utilizing NFTs.