In AI times, Education needs to be restarted.

6 min readNov 30, 2023


“We are teaching children all the wrong things”. Kai-Fu Lee

Kai Fu lee says that education needs to be restarted in AI times
Education in AI times. Kai-Fu Lee.

In Ai times, Education needs to be restarted, we’re teaching children all the wrong things.- Kai-Fu Lee AI expert, computer scientist, investor, and writer.


1. Who is this article for?

2. Rethinking Education.

3. Outdated Education Model.

4. Underutilization of Technology.

5. Shifting Focus in Education.

6. Balancing Foundational Skills and Human Development.

7. The Consequences of Inadequate Education.

8. Conclusion.

9. About the Author.

1. Who is this article for?

This article, “Rethinking Education,” is directed towards parents or individuals who are concerned and sensitive about the future of our children.

It addresses the critical juncture faced by the existing education system, highlighting its outdated traditional model in comparison to the rapid advancements witnessed in entertainment and communication.

In this post, I emphasize the need for a reassessment and redefinition of educational objectives and methodologies.

It critiques the current education model, shaped over centuries, for its rigid structure that prioritizes memorization and standardized testing. It contrasts this with dynamic fields such as entertainment and communication that have swiftly adapted to technological breakthroughs.

The underutilization of technology in education is pointed out, stressing the transformative potential of interactive learning platforms, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies.

This article argues against the misguided focus on teaching children to become high-scoring robots and advocates for prioritizing skills that differentiate humans from AI, including curiosity, critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

It calls for a balance between foundational skills like math and language and the development of creative and compassionate individuals. Love, empathy, and trust-building are proposed as integral components of education.

The importance of creating adaptive learning environments tailored to individual needs and learning styles, facilitated by technology, is highlighted. Global collaboration and cultural competence are deemed essential in an interconnected world, encouraging students to engage with diverse perspectives and building skills for effective communication and collaboration on an international scale.

In this article I warn about the consequences of inadequate education, predicting a mismatch between graduates’ skills and the demands of future jobs. It stresses the necessity of preparing students for the future by nurturing creativity, compassion, and problem-solving abilities.

In conclusion, this article, underscores the need for individuals who can think critically, solve complex problems, and collaborate effectively, especially in light of the inevitable rise of automation and artificial intelligence.

It urges a redefinition of essential skills for future generations, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability in the face of an increasingly automated job market.

2. Rethinking Education.

The existing education system is facing a critical juncture where its traditional model appears antiquated in comparison to the rapid advancements witnessed in entertainment and communication.

While technology has revolutionized various facets of our lives, the educational sector seems to be lagging behind in leveraging these innovations to their full potential.

This discrepancy has prompted a compelling need to reassess and redefine the objectives and methodologies of education.

In this video, Kai-Fu Lee explains how our actual education needs to be restarted.

3. Outdated Education Model.

The current education model, shaped over centuries, often follows a rigid structure that prioritizes memorization and standardized testing.

In contrast, dynamic fields such as entertainment and communication have adapted swiftly to technological breakthroughs.

Educational institutions, however, seem to be grappling with the integration of modern tools and methodologies that could significantly enhance the learning experience.

4. Underutilization of Technology.

Despite the transformative impact of technology in various domains, its potential in education remains underutilized.

Interactive learning platforms, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and other cutting-edge technologies have the capacity to revolutionize the classroom experience.

However, the slow adoption of these tools may be hindering the development of a more engaging and effective educational system.

5. Shifting Focus in Education.

Teaching children to become high-scoring robots who excel at memorization and test-taking is misguided.

By likening children to “high-scoring robots,” it metaphorically suggests a system that overly emphasizes the ability to memorize information and perform well in standardized tests. This metaphor implies a lack of emphasis on holistic skill development and the nurturing of qualities that distinguish humans from artificial intelligence.

Instead of solely concentrating on memorization and test scores, the suggestion is to prioritize the cultivation of skills that are uniquely human and go beyond the capabilities of artificial intelligence.


Encouraging a sense of wonder and a desire for exploration. Curiosity drives individuals to seek knowledge beyond what is presented in a classroom, fostering a lifelong love of learning.

Critical Thinking.

The ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information. Critical thinking enables individuals to approach challenges with a discerning and analytical mindset, essential for navigating complex situations.


Fostering originality, imagination, and the ability to generate novel ideas. Creativity is a driving force behind innovation and problem-solving, areas where humans excel over AI.


Emphasizing collaboration and the ability to work effectively with others. Teamwork nurtures interpersonal skills, adaptability, and the capacity to contribute positively to group dynamics.


Developing effective verbal and written communication skills. Clear and articulate communication is a fundamental human skill that enhances the exchange of ideas and facilitates understanding.


Encouraging cooperative efforts toward common goals. Collaboration involves combining individual strengths to achieve outcomes that may be beyond the reach of a single person, reflecting a social and interconnected aspect of human behavior.

We need to move for an education system that goes beyond traditional metrics of success. It calls for a more comprehensive approach that not only equips children with academic knowledge but also fosters the essential skills needed to thrive in a world where adaptability, creativity, and effective collaboration are increasingly valuable.

6. Balancing Foundational Skills and Human Development.

Foundational skills such as math and language are still important but should not be the sole focus.

Education needs a major shift towards training creative and compassionate individuals rather than repetitive robots.

Love, empathy, and trust-building should be integral components of education.

Rethinking education involves creating adaptive learning environments that cater to the individual needs and learning styles of students.

Technology can play a pivotal role in personalizing the learning experience, allowing students to progress at their own pace and explore subjects in a manner that resonates with their interests and strengths.

In an interconnected world, fostering global collaboration and cultural competence is essential. The educational paradigm should extend beyond borders, encouraging students to engage with diverse perspectives and build skills that enable effective communication and collaboration on an international scale.

7. The Consequences of Inadequate Education.

Without a significant change in education, there will be a mismatch between the skills graduates possess and the demands of future jobs.

Graduates who are only prepared for routine tasks will struggle to adapt to evolving job requirements.

Education must prepare students for the future by nurturing their creativity, compassion, and problem-solving abilities.

8. Conclusion.

The future requires individuals who can think critically, solve complex problems, and collaborate effectively.

Considering the inevitable rise of automation and artificial intelligence, it becomes imperative to redefine the skills deemed essential for future generations.

Routine jobs that were once the backbone of economies are increasingly being automated.

Therefore, an emphasis on skills such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability is paramount.

The ability to navigate a rapidly evolving technological landscape and collaborate with intelligent systems becomes crucial for success in the future workforce.

9. About the Author.

While I may not be a parent myself, I bring a unique perspective to this article as an aunt to a 10-year-old and a seasoned professional with over 23 years of experience in technology, specializing in the development of online businesses.

Throughout my career, I have witnessed and actively participated in the disruptive impact of technology on various industries.

Professionally, I engage with artificial intelligence daily, advising CEOs on AI-related matters.

This hands-on experience has given me insights into the transformative potential of technology in education and the workforce.

I find resonance with the views expressed by Kai-Fu Lee, and my dual role as both a technology professional and an aunt fuels my passion for rethinking education to prepare future generations for the evolving landscape of the digital age.




GPAI CoP member (AI Act). 23 years Leading Digital Businesses & AI projects. Professor in Data, Marketing Automation and CRM.