6 min readFeb 7, 2019
Luigi di Maio, leader of Five Star Movement party and Italin deputy PM

Recently, deputy PM of Italy Luigi di Maio received a letter from Venezuela’s illegitimate, self proclaimed leader Guaido asking for support in his coup against Maduro.

In great dissonance to the rest of the EU, di Maio replied saying that Italy does not wish to meddle in Venezuela’s politics, which is to be decided by Venezuelans.

This is not the only act of dissidence from a very promising openly anti establishment deputy prime minister of a Western government.

Only yesterday di Maio met with Yellow Vest leaders from France, expressing his explicit support for their struggle; in a speech, he said there’s a wind of change in Europe.

The list of his anti establishment credentials doesn’t stop here. Despite being portrayed as a right wing neo-fascist in Britain, his most proud policies are very left wing: the recent introduction of an Italian Universal Basic Income for the poorest of society, of up to Euro 780 a month. An increased tax on what they call pensioni d’oro (Gold pensions, of over 10,000) to finance, in his words, the people who have been forced to struggle on pensions of Euro 500 a month. And others.

Please check for yourself on the man’s feed (in Italian), as opposed to reading through the perverted grape vine of British media:

Taking advantage of people’s lack of attention, they have painted him as a fascist. This is coming from the same establishment that paints Corbyn as an antisemite. When you lack moral arguments against your opponent, identity politics is there to help.

In fact, the anti war stance is the most reliable litmus test of a politicians honesty credentials. No politician who cares about people wants to send them to die in war, for the ultra rich to get richer. It is also the type of stance that sees people vilified by the establishment, which is intensely warmongering in the West. Needless to remind the reader of the Swiss watch precision of the press’s pro war discourse every time the possibility of a new war is on the horizon; Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan etc.

Luigi di Maio is the leader of the Italian party Five Star Movement; a new, direct democracy party formed through Meetup debates by comedian Beppe Grillo. They describe themselves as neither left nor right, but their economic policies are very firmly for enhancement of the welfare state, which has been decimated by Austerity; and redistribution of wealth from the elites to the people. Also environmentalist, anti EU, and anti globalization. They also advocate nonviolence, degrowth, e-democracy. For those who have ingested the official narrative of Five Star Movement’s supposed fascism, the principle of non violence is particularly non fascist. Unless your definition of fascism is “that which you do not agree with”, which many seem to espouse under IDPOL in our unfortunate contemporary times.

The main argument his detractors use against di Maio is his party’s position on immigration. In reflecting the views of Italy, they oppose the previous governments’ careless policies on immigration. Many do not know, but Italy has been hit with far more immigrants than other countries in Europe. I lived in Italy between 2004–2005 and again in 2007. I found an atmosphere of hostility to foreigners and particularly, Romanians. There is a taste for fascism in Italy. But it does not come from the Five Star Movement, nor does this party fulfil it.

According to Wikipedia,

“Due to the peninsula geographical position and close proximity to the North Africa coast, the crossing of the Mediterranean Sea has historically been the most used route for undocumented migrants. This route has become gradually more prominent as people flows through other routes to the EU gradually faded and political turmoil in Libya caused a general weakening of borders and coastal control, opening opportunities to people smuggling organisations.”

The heinous wars waged by US and their allies in the Middle east have displaced an enormous amount of people. With poor regulation and very little help available, these people, who deserve our greatest compassion, have been left in limbo and often times live on the brink of survival. This can only create tensions in the host society. If ever someone was to conceive of a brilliant way to destabilise not just one, but many countries, and foster hatred and competition between people, this would be it. Italians along with migrants are victims of warfare and exploitative economics, and their desperation played for division and further economic enslavement by the real fascists, the Neoliberal international elite.

I looked at Luigi’s own words on immigration, in a viral post from 2015 — at the peak of the Syrian refugee crisis. I found him to be rather concerned with an equitable solution for all parties, and not lacking compassion for immigrants. While his dedication to ending the Dublin Agreement will probably be unpalatable to British lefties, I advise them to carefully examine his words before dismissing him as a fascist:

Luigi di Maio, Facebook post, 2015

“The disaster of immigration will be solved by rejecting of the policies that caused this disaster. We have to chase them from institutions, which haven’t tackled the problems in years since they were too busy “doing business”, as demonstrated by the leaks of the “capital mafia”.

The problem will be solved by dropping the Dublin Regulation and turning our backs to the governments that have ruled us for the past 20 years.

1) They’ve fuelled many wars around the world to keep the war industry alive and thriving, for which they pocketed bribes, and this has lead to an exodus of millions of war refugees fleeing towards our coasts.

2) With the Dublin regulation wanted by Forza Italia, PD and others, they’ve coerced Italy to solely undertake the management of all the immigrants that arrive on our shores.

3) The Bossi Fini law transformed the immigrants into ghosts with criminals’ papers. The state gives them FOGLIO DI VIA ( a certificate of delinquency that restricts rights, given to criminals under surveillance), but does not let them repatriate. From this limbo, their only options are: mafia soldiers, black market labourers, victims to unscrupulous employers, others become actual thugs in their own, others simply go mad.

Is there any doubt that the management of immigration has been a folly, particularly because the elite has been benefiting from their situation, business wise?

After we democratically chase them from institutions, we’ll come and set things in order.

If the other European countries do not wish to unblock the Dublin Agreement, if they are not willing to undertake at least 88–90% of our immigrants, Italy will have to take a tough stand, including the halting of transfer of funds to the EU.

We will use the billions we pay to the European Union for the repatriation of illegals and to increase control of law enforcement.”

Looking at the real cause of mass immigration is aiding the cause of immigrants far better and in greater depth than the lip service centrists like to pay to minorities. A Syrian will prefer that you stop bombing his country and killing his family, far more than Hillary Clintonesque crocodile tears on the campaign mic, performed for leftie brownie points.

The established press is very astute at creating smear campaigns against real dissidents. Di Maio, while not perfect, has been displaying the most staunchly and boldly anti establishment stance of all current EU governments. The press that created the surreal smear campaign against Corbyn and his supporters as rabid antisemites, will before too long ask us to enlist our support for the removal of this government too.

They might shout wolf — but do not believe them again. Do not let the establishment divide us from natural allies in the fight against austerity and war — the two possible greatest battles of our political times.

