Marc ZevinBeastlopediaWhat mammal lives in a hive and is ruled by a queen?The naked mole rat is native to parts of East Africa. The naked mole rat is neither a mole nor a rat — it is a rodent. The naked mole rat…Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaThe hydra is hard to killHydras are simple, fresh-water predatory animals related to sea anemones, jellyfish and coral. They are usually a few millimeters long and…Jan 14, 2020Jan 14, 2020
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaKangaroo rats can drink sea waterKangaroo rats are small rodents native to North America. The name derives from the fact that they hop like tiny kangaroos; however, the two…Jan 7, 2020Jan 7, 2020
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaThey are all fish — sort ofWhat do muskrats, alligators, capybaras, beavers, skunk-headed coots, puffins and the barnacle geese have in common?Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaWhat do you get when you cross a walrus and a potato?Manatees (sometimes called sea cows) are large aquatic mammals, weighing 1,000 to 2,200 lbs (500 to 1000 kg). They are herbivores, and…Dec 24, 2019Dec 24, 2019
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaAre there more different types of bugs or different types of fish?There 4,000 different kinds of mammals, over over 8,200 species of reptiles, 10,000 species of birds, 24,600 species of fish, and there are…Dec 17, 2019Dec 17, 2019
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaThe New Zealand storm petrel is extinct — Not!No storm petrel had been seen for 170 years; however, on January 25, 2003, close to the Mercury Islands off the Coromandel Peninsula of New…Dec 10, 2019Dec 10, 2019
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaThis is the only dolphin that is pink.The boto [boh-toh], also called the Amazon river dolphin or pink river dolphin, is a freshwater dolphin. It is indigenous to the Amazon…Dec 3, 2019Dec 3, 2019
Marc ZevinBeastlopediaWhat is the only animal known to commit suicide?If you are thinking of lemmings you are wrong.Nov 26, 2019Nov 26, 2019